Hand, foot and mouth disease is highly contagious — this is how to protect  yourself - ABC News

If you are a parent, you probably know that children are like magnets for every bug, flu, or virus that gets around or at least it seems like that. However, as explained on The Hearty Soul, this year, a less-known disease has been spreading and it has been surprising parents throughout the U.S.!

It is called the hand-foot-and-mouth disease. Even though it was first discovered in Asia back in 2012, the State of Alabama released a warning of the virus becoming more frequent in the area. According to some claims, the virus has been probably brought to the U.S. by travelers from Asian countries who did not know that they were carrying it.

What Kind of Disease Is this?

As seen on The Hearty Soul, this illness is triggered by an enterovirus and it is highly contagious. It is spread by coughing, sneezing, and kissing. So, any contact with a spit or mucus from an infected person can infect you. Usually, after one has been infected, the symptoms develop within a couple of days. Hence, a lot of people can be spreading the illness to others without being aware that they have actually caught the virus themselves.

Even though most of the cases happen in children, it can also occur in adults. The most common signs are tiredness, sore throat, fever, and sores on the feet, hands, mouth, and sometimes the legs and bottom.

What about Treatment Options?

If you or your child has caught the virus, it is pivotal to stay at home to prevent spreading it to others. Since this is a viral, not a bacterial infection, it will not be successfully treated with antibiotics, so you need to leave it as it is and in most cases, it subsides after one week or so. To alleviate the symptoms, check out these useful tips:

  • Get sufficient rest
  • Drink a lot of water throughout the day
  • Avoid eating acidic foods because they can irritate the sores in and around the mouth
  • Eat raw honey to ease the soreness in the throat
  • Opt for potent natural remedies like turmeric and garlic
  • Wash your hands on the regular
  • Change your sheets on a regular basis

Important to Note:

This illness can be a serious threat to individuals who have a weakened immunity, therefore, they need to be even more careful and consult their physician for instructions.



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