Moringa Oleifera is a “Miracle Tree”that possesses incredible health benefits. It can be used for diverse usage such as anemia, asthma, arthritis, constipation, cancer, diabetes, epilepsy, diarrhea, stomach ulcers, gastritis, intestinal ulcers, heart conditions, headaches, high blood pressure, inflammation, kidney stones, thyroid disorders, infections, sex drive, athlete’s foot, warts, dandruff, snake bites and gingivitis.

But did you know that moringa seeds have been used for water purification? The powder from crushed Moringa seed kernels works as a natural flocculant. This is because the protein in moringa seeds can kill some of the microbial organisms and cause them to clump together and settle to the bottom of the container. Since bacteria in water is generally attached to solid particles, treatment with Moringa powder can leave water clear with 90-99% of the bacteria removed.

A joint research by University of Botswana and Uppsala University was able to successfully remove impurities from water using the Moringa seeds with researchers praising the method as the ultimate answer to people who don’t have access to clean water.

How to Purify Water With Moringa Seeds - YouTube

How to Purify Water with Moringa Seeds:

  1. Crush moringa seeds to a powder with a mortar.
  2. Add it to a small amount of clean water to make a paste.
  3. Add the paste to about one cup of clean water and shake for one minute.
  4. Filter the mixture through a cloth
  5. Pour it directly into your contaminated water.
  6. Stir quickly for 30 seconds, then slowly and regularly for five minutes.
  7. Cover the water and do not disturb it for at least an hour.
  8. The clean water may be siphoned or poured off the top of the container.

50-150 mg of ground Moringa seed treats one liter of water, depending on how clear the water is. Depending on the type of contamination, this clean water should then be boiled before drinking.


Moringa is loaded with all essential nutrients that are needed to strengthen the immune system.

These Vitamins and Minerals include: 

Protein– It is the skeleton of the immune system. Immune system cells rely on protein. It is vital to build and repair body tissue and fight viral and bacterial infections.

Vitamin A– is known as an anti-inflammation vitamin because of its critical role in enhancing immune function. Vitamin A protects against infections by keeping the internal and external organs of our body healthy.

Vitamin C– It stimulates the antibody formation; thus protects the body from infection and improves the immunity.

Vitamin E– acts as an antioxidant, neutralizing free radicals; thus strengthening the immune system.

Zinc– It regulates the functioning of the immune system

Thus, moringa can make the immune system much more resistant and healthier. Take one tablespoon of moringa powder daily. 

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