We asked our regular contributors through fanpage and email:  What is something every “junk drawer” must have in order to be considered a proper “junk drawer”? We got many interesting responses. Here are some of them. We have just copied and pasted their responses, not editing them in any way.

From page Chef:
The unknown keys, a few busted pens, those little Allen wrenches for putting together furniture – which piece no one knows, the screws that were not supposed to be extra but somehow didn’t make it onto the bookcase or last item you put together, the old drivers license you thought you lost but found after you got a new one, the piece of plastic or metal that must belong to something important but you don’t know what, some random kid’s school photo, a dull pair of scissors, business cards for a landscaper a tree company and the window sales guy…

DJ Spen

2. I have about 20 keys and no clue where they go. When I’m bored I take them out and painstakingly thrust each one into every door in my house only to find that none of them open any doors. I even try to ram them into file cabinet locks, which take little keys, to no avail. But deep in my heart, I KNOW that the minute I dispose of these friggen mystery keys, I will find a lock that requires a key. As my son tells me repeatedly, “throw it out mom”………

Janey Sbarra

3. Random instruction manuals to small kitchen appliances

Deanna Orallo

4. Dead batteries, 17 expired flyers for fast food coupons, random paper clips, rubber bands, toenail clippers, a tape measure, three packs of salad seasoning mix, hammer, 3 sharpies that are dried out , three light bulbs they don’t work ….. that’s just the top layer, nobody really knows what’s on the bottom of the drawer

Sheila Vacek

5. miscellaneous cords that don’t connect anything you own

Karen Ross Nelson

1. The thing that prevents you from closing the drawer.

– sethsence

2. A screw that looks too important to throw out but you have no idea where it came from.

– ArminTanzz

3. Keys for unknown locks.

– Naack2Bach

4. Instructions for a product that either doesn’t need instructions (like a fan) or that you don’t even own anymore.

– Alive-Singer097

5. Too many old pens, most of which don’t even work, some of which are highlighters or broken pencil crayons. Stray rubber bands or paper clips. A tiny plastic bag of spare hardware for that side table you assembled six years ago. A roll of masking/painter’s tape. A plastic part to something that’s always been there and who knows where it is from. A couple of mystery keys or keychains. Crumbs. Two loose thumbtacks and a pen lid that fits nothing. A dry sharpie.

– Copsalu

6. Assortment of single batteries.

– KyleClarkeFilma

7. Stray rubber bands.

– yellow-fig-tree

8. Random chargers. What’s that to? No one knows but we save it just in case we might need it again.

– black_tears

9. Scissors. Bonus points if they have orange handles.

– jemi

10. That random Christmas decoration that was found way too late to be packed with the rest.

– enj66

11.  Scotch tape so old it’s yellow and fused unusable.

– LaChanz

12. Flat head screwdriver. Also, a random assortment of birthday candles.

– SuperDan

13. One of those lighters with the long neck that hasn’t worked since the third time you used it. You check it every time you need a lighter and put it back in the drawer because “maybe I’m doing it wrong”.

– FastAndForgetful

14. I found an old refrigerator magnet in one not long ago for a pizza place (Dominos) and the phone number didn’t have an area code.

– DiscoPartyMagic

15. Those felt circles for the bottoms of chairs. But you never have enough of any size to complete a set.

16. Cleaning cloths that come with every new pair of sunglasses or screen protector.

– BearlyBuff

17. A set of Allen wrenches that is missing the 2 most common sizes but has duplicates of the ones you will never use.

– Jesse

18. A bunch of pencil stubs.

– 6368-909

19. No longer sticky post-its with random phone numbers and no names or date and appointment time but not the appointment location.

– proper-mud923

20. The scent. Every junk drawer has it.

– riverweeds

21. A random deck of old playing cards.

– puppet

22. About four rolls of different tape that are never actually in the junk drawer when you need them.

– kairsosecide

23. Twisty ties.

– pdixest

24. Important mail from a while ago that you searched everywhere for to pay a fine/bill but couldn’t find no matter how hard you looked.

– 416unknown

25. Calculator.

– adventerous-yak

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