If we want all the functions in our body to run smoothly, we need sufficient amounts of magnesium. It plays a key role in so many bodily processes which makes it vital for our overall health. It regulates blood sugar levels, bone health, heart rhythm, and many other functions. Unfortunately, due to unhealthy diets and the lack of minerals in the soil, most of us don’t have the required amounts of this very essential mineral in our bodies. The dangers of its deficiency are enormous.

According to Dr. Norman Shealey, lack of magnesium in our organism brings about all major diseases so it is the biggest concern of all deficiencies of nutrients. That is why we need to make sure we get magnesium as much as we need for our bodies to function properly.

Science shows the dangers of magnesium deficiency

All studies confirm that a deficiency of magnesium is a serious risk for our health. Over 70% of Americans don’t have a sufficient amount of magnesium, and 20 % of the population doesn’t get half of the daily amount of magnesium. While we consume calcium-rich foods, we forget about our need for magnesium. The imbalance between these two minerals leads to asthma, headache, migraine, food allergies, stress, irregular heartbeats, and fibromyalgia.

With all the harmful substances in our environment, we desperately need body detox, and magnesium can provide that for us. It has a lot of health benefits, like the following:

Cognitive performance improvement

Magnesium has an active role in around 300 enzyme processes which makes it the number one mineral that is essential for normal bodily functioning, including the brain and cognitive performances.

Memory improvement

There is scientific evidence that magnesium improves memory. If your magnesium level is low then your memory function will be poorer. Magnesium improves the connections between neurons in the hippocampus – the main center for long-term memory and makes stronger the synaptic nerve endings in the prefrontal cortex that are responsible for short-term memory.

Lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease

Recent studies found out that insufficient magnesium level is connected to a higher accumulation of plaque in the brain which is the main reason for developing Alzheimer’s.

Better learning abilities

Magnesium improves learning abilities because it strengthens neural connections in the brain.


Magnesium is very efficient in the elimination of toxins and chemicals. It also improves the function of the digestive system that plays a vital role in the process of detox.

Better mood and reduced stress

Magnesium can make you feel better in a second as it reduces anxiety and stress levels. Research shows that magnesium deficiency causes mental problems and increases anxiety levels. How does magnesium make us feel relaxed? By stimulating serotonin production, a hormone that improves our mood greatly. The recommended daily amount of this mineral is 150-300 mg and it will improve the overall mood in one week.

Balanced blood sugar levels

Magnesium helps in balancing the level of blood sugars and its lack causes disarray in them.

Improved cardiovascular health

This mineral helps you to preserve your cardiovascular health because it regulates the heart rhythm. The recommended daily intake is 250 mg to keep your heart rhythm balanced.

Strong bones

More than half of the magnesium in your body is stored in the bones. If your magnesium level is low then you will feel it in your bones and joints. For healthy bones, you should have a balanced amount of calcium and magnesium.

Insomnia prevention

Magnesium helps you relax so it is good for your sleep. But if your body lacks magnesium you may have sleeping problems like insomnia.

Foods rich in magnesium

The best sources of magnesium are green vegetables, nuts, meat, and liver meat.


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