One of my favorite go-to home remedies for immune support is the Wet Sock Treatment. This inexpensive yet very effective method naturally stimulates and boosts your immune system fast. Wet sock treatment is a simple form of hydrotherapy that can be done on anyone of any age group from babies to the adults. Wet sock treatment is for sore throat, ear infections, headaches, migraines, nasal congestion, upper respiratory infections, coughs, bronchitis, and sinus infections.”
Wet sock treatment is used to stimulate the immune system and increase blood circulation. This treatment can be used instead of conventional fever reducing medications.
However, it is best to use the method on the first day of the illness!
1 pair of very thin socks (100% cotton)
1 pair of thick 100% wool socks
2 sets of sweats or pajamas
1 bowl of ice water
- Take your pair of cotton socks and soak them completely under running cold tap water. When the socks are completely wet, remove them from the water and wring them out thoroughly.
- Take a warm bath. Warming the feet first is very important for the effectiveness of the treatment. Wet sock treatment can be harmful if your feet are not warmed.
- Dry yourself thoroughly, put on warm pajamas and be ready for bed immediately.
- Place ice-cold wet socks on feet. Then cover the wet socks with the thick (dry) wool socks. Put on pajamas and go directly to bed.
- Keep the socks on the entire night. By morning they should be dry and warm!
- Repeat this treatment for at least 3 consecutive nights.