Did you know that during the 1920s, Dr J.E. Crewe of the Mayo Foundation in the United States applied a diet of raw milk to help with heart failure, high blood pressure, prostate problems, UTI, diabetes, allergies, skin problems, tuberculosis, kidney disease, chronic fatigue and obesity by providing his patients with up to 8 liters of raw milk a day? Pasteurized milk did not have the same effect.

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Raw or unpasteurized milk is nutritionally superior to conventional pasteurized milk? It’s an incredible source of fat soluble vitamins such as Vitamin A, D3 and K2. Raw milk  is considered a “complete protein,” meaning it has all nine of the essential amino acids needed for your body to function at its best

Raw milk is also loaded with beneficial enzymes: lactase, lipase, and phosphatase.  These enzymes help your body to better digest milk and better metabolize its vital nutrients.

Additionally, raw milk contains everything your body needs to produce essential sex hormones such as progesterone and testosterone. Because raw milk is rich in Calcium and Vitamin k2, it makes it incredible for your bones. Consuming Raw milk from a young age can assist a child with their maximum growth potential.

Recent studies have linked raw milk consumption to a lower risk of obesity and this quality has only been linked to whole raw milk.

Multiple scientific studies have demonstrated that raw milk is correlated with decreased rates of asthma, allergies, eczema, fever, and respiratory issues. Raw milk also provides a lot of gut-healthy probiotics and enzymes.

In a survey of raw milk drinkers in Michigan, over 80 % of those told by doctors that they were lactose intolerant were able to ingest raw milk without any problems.


Unfortunately, when raw milk is heated at high temperatures for even 15 seconds to pasteurize the milk, this process destroys most of the precious nutrients that can be found in raw milk.

One-third of pasteurized milk is contaminated with harmful pathogens. This type of milk can contain a lot of pus, blood and fecal matter. The lactose enzyme is destroyed during the pasteurization process, which can lead to allergic reactions and digestion problems in the people that drink it.

Raw milk is a versatile ingredient that can be added to your diet. It makes an excellent, high-protein base for healthy smoothies.


Kiwi Berry Milk Smoothie


2 fresh kiwis

½ cup raw milk

½ cup frozen raspberries

3-4 basil leaves

1 scoop collagen

3-4 ice cubes


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