Have you ever wondered how much canola oil you consume daily? Probably a ton. Just think about food bars, prepared salads and packaged foods. But did you know that canola oil is really just diluted rapeseed oil?  That cheap, popular oil can be deadly.

A recent study discovered that canola oil WORSENS memory loss in Alzheimer’s patients.  Canola oil can cause plaque build-up in the brain which leads to degenerative “diseases” that include Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s.

Canola oil could cause weight gain and memory loss | Fox News

The study, by the Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University (LKSOM) in Philadelphia, discovered that long-term consumption of  canola could damage the brain.

Senior study investigator Professor Domenico Praticò at LKSOM stated: ”Canola oil is appealing because it is less expensive than other vegetable oils, and it is advertised as being healthy. Very few studies, however, have examined that claim, especially in terms of the brain.”

During the period of 6 months, one group of mice was fed the human equivalent of two teaspoons of canola daily, the other group was fed a regular  diet.

At the end of the research, the mice fed canola oil showed a reduction in a certain peptide which leads to an increase in the toxic amyloid proteins associated with Alzheimer’s disease.

Thus these mice had much worse working memory than the control group.


If you want your liver to function properly (eliminate toxins and cleanse all the impurities) you should consume reishi mushrooms daily. In, a study in Food and Chemical Toxicology  showed that using reishi mushroom reversed chemical-driven liver damage in mice. Reishi mushroom is known for its anti cancer properties. It eliminates  free radicals and promotes liver cell regeneration. Just take 1/2 tablespoon a day!

What’s ironic is that the scientists were testing canola oil to see if it was beneficial for the brain, like olive oil. The findings absolutely shocked them all. One animal model using aged rodents revealed that Alzheimer’s progresses from the “asymptomatic phase” early on to full-blown Alzheimer’s due to long-term canola consumption. That’s just two tablespoons worth in terms of what humans eat.


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