During World War II, two scientists invented a tube that produced microwaves called the magnetron. Combining the magnetrons within Britain’s radar system, the microwaves were able to find Nazi warplanes on their mission to bomb the British Isles.

Microwave Ovens and Health: To Nuke or Not to Nuke?

By accident, Percy LeBaron Spencer of the Raytheon Company (several years later) discovered that microwaves also cook food. He found that radar waves had melted a candy bar in his pocket. The first microwave oven to go on the market, called the Radar Range was as large and heavy as a refrigerator.

According to a growing body of research, microwave ovens are dangerous to our health.

Microwaving Produces Toxins in Nearly All Types of Food

As noted in the book, “Electromagnetic Health: Making Sense of the Research and Practical Solutions for Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) and Radio Frequencies (RF),” written by a naturopath, Case Adams:8

“Research … at the University of California Lawrence Livermore Laboratory concluded that microwaves produced heterocyclic aromatic amines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Both are suspected carcinogens. Frying meats also produces polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons …”

How do microwave ovens heat/cook out food

Alternating currents force atoms to reverse their polarity. This creates friction and vibrates the water inside of the food molecules causing the food to heat up.

How are microwave ovens dangerous

Inside of your microwave there are 2.45 billion hertz which is fine, until the seal on your microwave door ages and begins to leak. The frequency amount shown to harm the human body is 10 hertz. Be cautious and never stand near an operating microwave. You won’t know your body is being harmed by the leak until the damage is already done.

How does a microwave oven harm our bodies

Causes birth defects


Cataracts- due to our eyes lack of blood vessels to dissipate the cellular stress and heat from the microwave

Weakened immune system

Lowered resistance to viral and bacterial infections

More serious illnesses

What does the microwave oven do to our food

Breaks chemical and molecular bonds

Swiss scientist, Hans Hertel’s study suggests microwaving food degrades and depletes food of its nutrients. In a 1991 paper, Swiss food scientist Dr. Hans Ulrich Hertel reported that microwaved food produced carcinogenic effects in the bloodstream.

The radiation from the microwave destroys and deforms the molecules in the food, creating dangerous radioactive compounds

In 1992,  a study from the Search for Health,  researched the effects of participants that consumed microwaved vegetables

They experienced:

Rapidly increasing cholesterol levels

Decrease in hemoglobin causing an anemic-like conditions

Decrease in white blood cells

Increase in leukocyte (indicating poisoning and cell damage)

Microwaved breast milk looses 96% of its antibodies

Microwaved Infant formulas’ structure is altered, changing the components in amino acids, creating immunological abnormalities

Even if your microwave oven is perfectly sealed, you are still exposed to harmful levels of electromagnetic fields. EMF can penetrate human bodies (which is why they are used for x-ray machines) but can causing serious health problems.

The EPA recommends limited exposure to EMF of .5mG – 2.5mG. If you stand 4 inches from your food cooking in the microwave, you will be exposed to 100 – 500mG. Standing 3 feet away from the operating microwave will expose you to 1 – 25mG.

Microwaves may be faster and more convenient than the convection oven but the nutritional value of your food and the health of your family will pay the price for its convenience.

Detox your body from Harmful Substances

Fortunately, you can detox your body from toxins by using foods in your diet such as spirulina.

Spirulina has chlorophyll which is used for “detoxification.” It helps remove toxins such as heavy metals and other pollutants from the blood and liver.

It’s so unbelievable as a superfood, that NASA sends it in space for our astronauts to consume to stay healthy.


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