In America silver fillings are very popular and have been used on more than 100 million Americans. However, research repeatedly proves  that silver dental fillings expose you to the dangerous effects of mercury.

What Is the Danger of Mercury Fillings? | Chad Tomazin DDS

Unfortunately most Americans don’t realize that amalgam fillings are actually 50 percent mercury.

As Charlie Brown, who founded the Consumers for Dental Choice in 1996, wrote:

“The American Dental Association is basically a gigantic fraud agent when it comes to amalgam because for years they promoted amalgam as silver fillings and they’re not. It’s a gigantic consumer fraud perpetuated by thousands of dentists in the United States who use the word silver fillings when by far the most prevalent material is mercury.

The FDA defends amalgam and says the word silver is because they are silver colored. The FDA knows better. They know they are perpetuating a lie. The Food and Drug Administration has basically been the agent of the American Dental Association in protecting the use of mercury fillings.

That protection continues even though two scientific panels in a row – these are scientists handpicked by FDA itself – the scientists have come in and to the surprise of the FDA staff have told the FDA staff, you’re wrong. You’ve got to stop amalgam use for pregnant women. You’ve got to stop amalgam use for children. You’ve got to do both of them now and you’ve got to make sure that every consumer knows and every parent knows that amalgam is not silver, that it’s mercury.”

People need to see how dangerous silver fillings are. In fact, every time you chew, the mercury releases a vapor into your mouth that gets stores in your tissues for years.


Mercury is extremely toxic. Studies conducted at Utah State University found that mercury is more toxic than lead, cadmium and even arsenic. It gets stored in different tissues of the body, especially the brain and kidneys. In human studies it has been discovered that there is a direct link between the amount of mercury found in the brain and the number of mercury fillings in the mouth.

Additionally,  mercury used in silver fillings is shipped to dentists as a hazardous material. Any amalgam leftover is also labeled as hazardous and must be disposed with caution.


If you already have these toxic fillings, try to add more probiotic foods and omega-3 fatty acids  to your diet  to help restore gut health and protect against the problems caused by mercury.

You should get your fillings removed only by a trained biological dentist who can remove them safely. The removal process can expose you to some particles of mercury which is why you must hire a trained dentist.


The most effective and inexpensive way to detox your body is to take spirulina. According to many recent scientific studies, spirulina helps support healthy detoxification of  built up toxins from the body by binding to  them. Thus, these toxins are  carried out of the body through natural processes of elimination.


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