Before the discovery of penicillin, no effective treatment was available for infections such as  pneumonia.  It wasn’t until 1928, when Alexander Fleming noticed that the “mold” growing in his petri dish was killing the Staphylococcus bacteria, that penicillin came to be. However,the excessive use of antibiotics in humans and farm animals can drive drug-resistant bacteria to thrive.

Garlic oil could replace antibiotics in the food industry

Researchers from the University of Florida published in the journal Clinical Nutrition in 2012 that taking aged garlic extract reduced the severity of cold and flu symptoms.  They reported that the symptoms went away faster in those who took the garlic extract than among those who didn’t.


This garlic oil ointment, also known as GOOT, is great for helping with bacterial or viral infections and fungus.

Garlic is probably nature’s most potent food.

Scientifically known as Allium sativa, garlic has been famous throughout history for its ability to fight off viruses and bacteria.

Allicin is the compound providing the largest range of garlic’s health benefits. Allicin also does not occur in garlic cloves, but is produced when garlic is finely chopped or crushed.

By chopping garlic more finely, more allicin may be produced. Pressing garlic or mincing it into a smooth paste will give you the strongest flavor and may also result in the highest amount of allicin.

Countless studies have shown that this compound is a potent antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiviral, antifungal and antioxidant, which is why it’s so good at preventing and treating disease.


  1. 5 Fresh Peeled Garlic Cloves
  2. 3 Tbs. Coconut oil
  3. 2 Tbs. Olive oil


  1. Warm Coconut oil.
  2. Add Olive oil.
  3. Crush or mince garlic cloves. Add to the mixture
  4. Let sit for 30 minutes. Strain out garlic. Retain oil and place in jar.

How to use:

  • Put in and around ears for ear infection
  • Rub on chest for coughs or colds or pneumonia
  • Garlic might help prevent hair loss! Massage garlic oil into scalp.
  • Rub into nostrils for sinus infection
  • Apply to athletes foot or jock itch on infected area.


Many scientific studies confirm that garlic can lower cholesterol. Consumption of raw garlic leads to the restoration of the bacterial flora in the gut. Garlic helps heal all wounds inside the gut, which contributes to the improvement of digestive system function.


These wheatgrass flu shots are your answer to improved immunity and better health this winter season. Wheatgrass is one of the most effective healers, containing over 90 minerals, all 17 amino acids (building blocks of protein), and vitamins A, C, E, I, K and B-complex.

Find the best quality here 

It is also composed of 70% chlorophyll, which is one of the best blood-builders out there. Need I say more? all you need is just one shot a day – find it here 


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