An estimated 6.4 million people will start their day with a bowl of cereal for breakfast.  Which begs the question, why are so many people eating food grade garbage daily?  Why is the “most important meal of the day” so often little more than sugar and chemicals? In fact, Oats, wheat, and flax are all quietly being sprayed with cancer causing glyphosate  and it’s in your body of cereal.

In New Round of Tests, Monsanto's Weedkiller Still Contaminates Foods  Marketed to Children | Environmental Working Group

Why are so many people ok with this?  Obviously, these are rhetorical questions but let’s look for the answer to a more direct question; what is in a bowl of cereal?

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) has posted fresh report on the levels of toxic glyphosate (Roundup) found in many breakfast cereals, and they found this:  Most of them were loaded with the cancer-causing herbicide.

Most people have never really looked at the nutrition label on a box of conventional cereal.  You may have looked at the vitamin and mineral content.  Perhaps you even looked at the calorie or carbohydrate numbers.  But have you ever read the ingredients?  If you have, did you know what every ingredient is?  Given the fact most of the ingredients sound like they are straight out of a High school chemistry class, most people can’t really read them.

One such ingredient you probably didn’t understand was Trisodium Phosphate (TSP).  TSP isn’t all bad, as it turns out it is an effective degreasing agent, mildew remover and can be used to clean interior and exterior walls before painting.

You see there are lot’s of good uses for TSP, but as a cereal ingredient…it sucks!  Some cereals use TPP (tripotassium phosphate), which is unfortunately just as bad as TSP.


  • Reduced bone density due to mineral bleaching
  • Gastric irritation
  • Calcification of the kidneys
  • Burning in the abdominal area
  • Toxic shock

TSP is also linked to osteoporosis, kidney disorders, calcium deficiency and even cancer.

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