For years, margarine has had a reputation as a healthy butter substitute. Margarine companies have done an incredible job of marketing it as a health food. Originally made from animal fat, it was replaced by chemists with other unnatural substances and turned it into a hardened stick that would look similar to butter.
In fact, margarine is a combination of ingredients you would never use in cooking.
Have you ever wondered if margarine looks and tastes like butter, shouldn’t we just buy a stick of butter?
Shocking?! These facts should make you stop using margarine altogether (in case you ever did).
Margarine is not food… it is a combination of refined toxic oils and chemicals that have been created to look and taste like butter. Made from Hydrogenated until it barely resembles real food.
High in Bad Fats – PUFAS
Margarine is primarily made up from refined vegetables oils such as soybean oil, canola oil, sunflower oil. These oils are extremely high in omega-6 fatty acids. Unfortunately, our diets are already full of omega-6s, and when they aren’t properly balanced by omega-3s, the consumptions of these oils lead to inflammation even heart disease and cancer.
Margarine contains high amounts of extremely toxic Trans Fats. These fats are chemically created during the process of hydrogenation which turns liquid vegetable oils into solid fats.
These newly created fats are extremely dangerous and linked to inflammation, diabetes, heart disease, infertility and more.
Unlike butter, the process to make margarine requires advanced technology and a lot of steps. Vegetable oil extraction goes through hard pressure and high heat which severely damage the easily oxidized Polyunsaturated fatty acids stored within the oil.
Then, these vegetable oils are treated with the solvent hexane, bleaches and deodorizers to remove bad smells and grey colors. During this step, the oil loses all the good stuff such vitamins, minerals, protein, and fibre.
Before margarine products are ready to be sold, preservatives are added to boost shelf life.
Unfortunately, our bodies can not recognize and properly metabolize these fats, which can lead to scary health consequences.
Fortunately, it is quite easy and inexpensive to cleanse your body of toxic substances by using foods in your diet such as spirulina.
Spirulina is the most effective food that removes heavy metals from the nervous system and the liver. It has the most detoxifying effect on your body.