Antibiotics are a class of medications that can save lives. However, most antibiotics are overly prescribed and pretty toxic. They should be used as a last resort only.  Did you know that inexpensive natural remedies work as well, and with far fewer side effects?

Horseradish Plants, Roots, and Sauce: Facts and Benefits - Delishably

Raw horseradish has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties. It’s been used to treat colds, coughs, kidney stones and even urinary tract infections (UTIs).

In fact, empirical research has now proved that horseradish is just as effective as chemically-synthesized antibiotics and it can often be superior to over-the-counter drugs.

Horseradish contains volatile oils such as glucosinolates, gluconasturtiin, and sinigrin.  In test tubes, the volatile oils in horseradish have showed antibiotic properties, which are responsible for its effectiveness in treating throat and upper respiratory tract infections. In fact, horseradish is an approved herbal remedy in Germany for use in treating urinary tract infections.

Additionally, horseradish exhibits many health benefits and is loaded with nutrients and phytochemicals which are responsible for its anti-inflammatory characteristics, and its cancer-fighting ability. Horseradish contains fiber, large amounts of vitamin C, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, and manganese, along with some very powerful antioxidants.

Health benefits of horseradish

  1. Protects against cancer. A study conducted at the University of Illinoisrevealed that due to its high level of compounds called glucosinolates, horseradish helps the liver detox carcinogens while suppressing the growth of tumors and preventing the formation of new tumors.
  2. Digestive health. Horseradish contains some of the volatile phyto-chemical compounds that stimulate secretion of salivary, gastric, and intestinal digestive enzymes, and thereby improve digestion.
  3. Pain relief. Horseradish can help with headaches by stimulating blood flow to the skin’s surface as well as inflamed areas. Horseradish was used by people in Ancient Greece as a natural pain reliever to help alleviate back pain. It can be used to soothe muscle pains and joint inflammation and discomfort. Combine some horseradish with a little olive oil, then massage it into the skin.
  4. Sinus relief. Horseradish is a great natural treatment for sinusitis.  It can clear up sinus passages by thinning out the mucus and preventing more mucus accumulation.
  5. Immune system booster. Horseradish is rich in vitamin C which makes it a powerful immune booster. Consuming horseradish stimulates the immune system by heating the body from the inside.
  6. Detoxify Your Body– A 2005 study from the University of Illinois found that this root has a rich source of glucosinolates. These compounds were shown to help the liver detoxify carcinogens.


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