Are you actually consuming chlorine bleach daily? If you eat white bread white rice, white pasta or white sugar regularly, then you do! Every time you ingest any type of junk food, you are ingesting bleach that’s processed with so many food additives that you can’t taste it.

The Dangerous Effect Of The Bleaching Agents Added To Bread | The Guardian  Nigeria News - Nigeria and World News — Guardian Life — The Guardian  Nigeria News – Nigeria and World News

Most people round the world love eating white bread but here are some shocking facts that might surprise you. That white bread you eat daily can be very toxic for your body.

In fact, the Swiss government has known about the dangers of eating white bread for years so it has placed a tax on the purchase of white bread.

Additionally, white bread is dead bread with no nutritional value. The Canadian government banned the “enrichment” of white bread with synthetic vitamins. According to the law passed, bread must have the original vitamins found in the grain.

SO what makes white bread so white? 

It’s because the flour flour used to make white bread is chemically bleached. So when you are eating white bread you are ingesting chemical bleach . And it’s absolutely toxic!

Here are a few chemicals used in the process: 

  • Oxide of nitrogen,
  • nitrosyl
  • benzoyl peroxide
  • chlorine,
  • chloride,

When chloride oxide gets in contact with the proteins in the flour,  it produces alloxan. Alloxon is a poison and has been shown to develop diabetes in laboratory animals.


Highly-processed white flour elevates the blood sugar rapidly and can cause the development of cancer cells by feeding them the sugars they need to thrive of.

Did you know that pancreatic cancer has the lowest survival rate? Why?  The role of your pancreas is to  filter out all the bleach you eat and drink, but when the pancreas becomes so damaged from all the white food, it’s no longer able to do it’s job.



Fortunately, it is quite easy and inexpensive to cleanse your body daily of toxic substances by using dietary supplements in your diet (such as the superfood Spirulina).

 It is known for its distinctive green color and odor.  Spirulina is the most effective supplement for removing heavy metals and other toxins from the body. It has numerous scientific publications to attest to its detoxifying and nutritional superiority.


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