The outrageous myth that cholesterol causes heart disease has turned many people away from eating eggs daily.  But there are absolutely no proven scientific studies linking eggs to heart disease.

How to Boil Eggs Perfectly (Every Time) - Downshiftology

In fact, eggs are one of the most nutrient-dense foods in the world. One egg can give you 13 essential nutrients, and contrary to popular belief, most of them are concentrated in the yolk.

Eggs contain a wide range of nutrients that make them one of the world’s top superfoods. One large boiled egg contains:

  • Every single vitamin except for vitamin C
  • All essential minerals
  • 6 g of protein
  • 5 g of healthy fats
  • Antioxidants
  • Choline


One egg contains around 100 milligrams of choline, which is vital nutrient that works to support the membranes of cells making them function properly.  Choline is very important because it helps with normal liver function and nutrient transportation in the body.

Eggs are full of vitamins. One egg contains every vitamin except vitamin C.  Yolks contain incredibly high amounts of vitamin A, D, E, K, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, and B12. Large amounts of vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B8, B9, and B12. In fact, consuming two eggs day can give you 10–30% amount of most of these vitamins.


Our bodies absolutely require cholesterol to function. Cholesterol plays a vital role in cell structure, hormone production, Vitamin D production and much more. In fact, about 80% of our cholesterol is actually made by our bodies and only around 20% is derived from what we eat.

Unfortunately, all the current myths about eggs are due to the fact that eggs are the most cholesterol-rich food. One egg yolk has around 237 mg of cholesterol. But despite this, eating eggs does not increase your cholesterol levels. It’s the high in carbohydrates (not cholesterol) diet is likely the primary factor for heart disease.

One study following half a million Chinese people discovered that those who ate eggs daily had a 14% lower risk of major cardiac events,  a 12% lower risk of ischemic heart disease, and an 18% lower risk of CVD death.

Another four year study of almost half a million adults found that those who had 1 egg a day had an 18% lower risk of cardiovascular disease and a 28% lower risk of haemorrhagic stroke death compared to those who didn’t consume eggs.


Brain Health: Eggs contain vitamins and minerals that are necessary for the development and functioning of the nervous system and the brain.  Eggs are loaded with choline that helps improve memory, mood and cognitive function.

Immunity Support: Eggs contain vitamin A, vitamin B-12, and selenium, which are all absolutely needed for our immune system.

Protein Content: About 13% of an egg is protein. The protein in eggs helps to maintain and repair body tissues, including muscle.

Healthy Pregnancy: As you know, Cholesterol is the precursor to all steroidal hormones in the body. Estrogen, progesterone and other hormones necessary for fertility start out as a cholesterol molecule. Additionally, folate in eggs helps support the development of a baby and protect from any birth defects.

Healthy Eyes: Lutein and zeaxanthin are two antioxidants in the egg yolk that can have a protective effect on your eyes.

It’s important to buy organic, pasture-raised eggs. Studies found that commercially raised eggs are up to 19 times higher in pro-inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids.

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