Pickled Watermelon Rinds (Quick Pickled)

Watermelons are one of our favorite summertime fruits, without doubt. However, we all eat the inner juicy flesh only without knowing that the rind is also edible and highly beneficial for our health. Believe it or not, 95 percent of the nutritive values of watermelons are in the rind! This is why in today’s article we decided to show you one of the best healing properties the rind has to offer.

The Health Benefits of Watermelon Rind

  1. Removal of kidney stones

In addition to the benefits of watermelon juice in aiding the removal of kidney stones, the rind has shown some pretty amazing properties as well. Take one watermelon piece, cut off the pink flesh and the dark green outer layer, and then chop the white rind into pieces and blend or juice it. Drink it over the course of twelve hours. The urination will become more frequent, which is good, because it means that the rind is doing its job. This will expel the stones quicker and effectively.

  1. Natural aphrodisiac

The rind of watermelon has the power to better the blood flow so it is great for men with erectile dysfunction. The amino acid known as citrulline will boost the libido and improve your sexual health significantly. Juice the watermelon flesh together with the white rind and add juice from half a lemon. Drink this beverage daily for optimal effect.

  1. Betters the blood pressure

The diuretic power of the watermelon juice will stabilize your blood pressure. Drink a juice made from the white rind and from the flesh of the watermelon regularly.

  1. Alleviates pregnancy symptoms

Pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, is often characterized by nausea, heartburn, dizziness, and swelling. This is where watermelon juice can help because it contains natural sugar that will bring relief from morning sickness. To treat muscle cramps, eat some watermelon rind.

  1. Treats UTIs

Because of its diuretic and hydrating characteristics, watermelon can enhance the functioning of the kidneys and treat UTIs. Opt for watermelon juice daily or until you notice improvement in your UTI symptoms.

  1. Decreases pain

The lycopene in watermelon has anti-inflammatory characteristics that can be effective in minimizing pain. The folate will decrease the chance for heart attacks and colon cancer while the beta-carotene will better the health of the eyes.

  1. Triggers weight loss

The citrulline in watermelon will enhance weight loss by prolonging the satiety.



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