Can You Freeze Lemons? - Food Cheats

If you have not been eating a lot of lemons, believe us, you have been missing a lot! One of the most common uses of lemons is to prepare fresh lemonade, i.e. lemon juice. Some people even combine it with warm water and drink it in the morning for optimal digestion and boost of energy.

Lemons can do wonders when it comes to cleansing and boosting the alkaline pH in the body. But, most of us, when we use lemons, we get rid of the peel without realising that it is also rich in amazing healing properties. Continue reading the article below to learn why you need to start consuming lemons together with the peel.

Why You Need to Consume Lemon Peel?

According to Soma Wellness, the peel of lemons has 10 times more vitamins than lemon juice and it also has essential oils that have the capacity to fight against infections and detoxify the body from toxins. It also possesses antifungal, antibacterial, and antimicrobial characteristics.

By eating the peel, you will supply your body with vitamin C, pectin, and flavonoids which are pivotal for the strength of the immunity. Moreover, some studies indicate that it may be more beneficial than chemo in destroying specific cancer cells and this is why lemons are often included in anti-cancer food lists.

However, even though we realize that the peel of lemons is good for us; many people would like to know how to consume it. This being said, in today’s article, we will present a recipe for frozen lemons and how to use them to prepare drinks or use it as a salad dressing or a juice ingredient.

Frozen Lemons Preparation


6 lemons, organic

A Mason jar or freezer bags

Preparation: Cut each of the lemons into 1-inch pieces. Put them into the jar or the bag and store them in the fridge.

Use: Consume 1 to 4 pieces per day- you can grate the entire piece and mix it with yogurt, juice, salads, tea, etc.

Lemon Peel Lemonade Recipe

You will need:

A cup of frozen lemon pieces

2 cups of spring water

A tbsp of organic honey or stevia

Preparation: Blend the lemon and water until you get a homogeneous mixture. Turn off the blender and transfer the content into a glass. Mix in the honey and the drink is ready for consumption. Enjoy!



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