Most Residents Of This Mountainous Area Live Beyond 100 Years | Gaia

Have you heard about the Hunza people and their long life span and optimal health? Believe it or not, they are considered to be the people with the highest longevity in the world, rarely suffer from diseases, and are also the happiest people out there. So, what is their secret?

Centenarians: How Do They Do It?

With the goal to answer the secret behind the healthy and long life of the Hunza people, they also gathered different stories from centenarians.

Namely, an Italian lady who lived to the age of 116 considered that the secret to her longevity and good health was a result of the fact that she stayed single throughout most of her life. Even though she was married, she got divorced at the age of 38 because she thought her husband was very dominating. From then on, it was only her. She had anemia but successfully managed it by consuming 2 raw eggs in the morning on a daily base.

Another individual who also lived to the age of hundred considered the secret to his longevity to be bacon-on-the-daily whereas another men from California considered that his daily donut is what helped them become a centenarian.

With so many different stories about the potential secret to longevity, it is not easy to pinpoint one single reason due to the numerous contributing factors. Let us now learn more about the Hunza people.

 Facts about Hunza People

  • They lead a very simple lifestyle
  • They are very warm and welcoming to outsiders
  • Some Hunzas live up to the age of 150
  • Some Hunza women give birth at the age of 65
  • They never eat processed foods; only whole foods
  • They are very hardworking; some of them work in the fields from morning until evening
  • Their literacy rate is 95 percent

Important Tips for Longevity

Since there is always something to learn from every story, here are the most important lessons you can get from the Hunza people if you want to live a long and healthy life:

  • Education is pivotal

Without doubt, education plays a pivotal role for a long and healthy life. Just take a look at the Hunza people (their literacy rate is almost 100 percent which means that almost all of them have a high school diploma at least)! In order to live an active, healthy, and long life, you need an educated and well-developed brain which is stimulated through proper education from early on.

  • Physical activity matters

A lot of Hunza people work in the fields and this is what keeps them engaged and does not leave them too much space for overthinking. Therefore, a morning jog or a yoga session several times per week can significantly contribute to your longevity.

  • Follow a healthy and organic diet

Did you know that the Hunza people grow their own foods and almost never get sick? What’s more, cancer rates are very low among them. And, most importantly, they do not live to eat, but eat in order to live. They enjoy food in order to keep their bellies satisfied but never overindulge. Though pizzas, donuts, and French fries may be unknown to them, a happy and healthy life certainly is not.

  • Less stress, longer life

Nowadays, one of the main culprits for a long list of health problems is excessive stress. Though we cannot completely avoid stress, it is important to learn how to manage it and at least lower it down. One of the best ways to achieve this is to enjoy the small things in life and avoid getting stressed about unimportant things. Breathe deeply whenever you feel stressed and try to connect with nature more and spend time outdoors. You can also try yoga, meditation, exercise or any other method you find suitable and calming to fight off stress.

  • Work on your relationships

Regardless of whether you are single or not when it comes to romantic relationships, you need to focus on maintaining a good relationship with yourself first and then with those who are close to you. Learn how to express your emotions and avoid keeping them bottled up. Share your thoughts with a family member, a good friend, or even with your pet.


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