Dr. Eric Berg Eggs

In 2020, a coalition of leading scientists, nutritionists, and advocates released a letter to the Secretaries of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), and United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) detailing what they believe should change in regards to how saturated fat is viewed in the United States, particularly in regards to heart disease.

The group included three former members of the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC), from 1995 to 2015, as well as the chair of the 2005 DGAC. 

The DGAC is an expert group appointed every five years to review the science for the U.S. government’s nutrition policy, and to make recommendations to the aforementioned two agencies that jointly issue those guidelines.

Their conclusion may be surprising to anyone who still believes that all saturated fat is “inherently bad,” but most likely not to anyone who has been following along with the counter-culture of people who believe in whole foods, Paleo-style nutrition.

The experts’ conclusion was as follows, according to NutritionCoalition.us:

“There is no strong scientific evidence that the current population-wide upper limits on commonly consumed saturated fats in the U.S. will prevent cardiovascular disease or reduce mortality.

“A continued limit on these fats is therefore not justified.”


Naturopath Shares: This is Why You Should Eat 2 to 4 Eggs Every Day

Of course, eggs are one of the top sources of saturated fat in many people’s day, but that doesn’t mean they’re inherently bad.

In fact, they may be a “perfect food” for human health according to one popular natural health analyst, author and advocate.

Dr. Eric Berg is a naturopath of the chiropractic discipline who became a best-selling nutrition author of books including ‘The Healthy Keto Plan.’

Dr. Berg has built up an audience of almost ten million people on his YouTube channel, who listen intently to his unique takes on health and nutrition from a holistic perspective.

Recently, Dr. Berg decided to share his biggest reasons why eggs should not be avoided, as has been discussed for decades.

Instead, eggs should be an integral part of the human diet, especially for anyone looking to optimize their hormones, energy, liver, brain, nerve health and memory.

“The egg is really considered a perfect food, not just a perfect protein,” Dr. Berg says in the video shown below, calling egg “the most bioavailable and efficient” of all proteins.


The Top Reasons to Eat More Eggs are as Follows, According to Dr. Berg:


  1. A Complete Amino Acid Profile-This is something you may not get by consuming vegan plant proteins and similar products, unless they are specifically designed to contain all amino acids.
  2. Contains the Active Form of Vitamin A-Vitamin A is incredibly important in skin health, eye health and the immune system, and eggs contain the most active form (retinol).
  3. One of the few foods that contains Vitamin D– A lack of Vitamin D can wreak havoc on the body, causing inflammation, psoriasis, rashes, and more.
  4. Loaded with B Vitamins- B vitamins are essential for nervous system health. Eggs contain B2, B3, B12 and Biotin, one of the best building blocks for healthy hair.

Pasture-Raised vs. Cage-Free vs. Free Range

If you have to choose between the types of eggs listed above, opt for pasture-raised and organic eggs whenever possible.

Cage-free could still include chickens fed GMOs, and the term “free range” doesn’t guarantee a considerable amount of foraging space for chickens to eat their natural diets.

Pasture-raised eggs typically have the most rich, yellow-colored yolks, and therefore the most nutrition.

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