This simple tip will help you alkalise your body in 2 minutes - Times of  India

Processed foods and chemical additives have ruined our entire body chemistry.  When nourished properly, our bodies have everything  to function properly! What we eat and put on our bodies affects how we feel, think, perceive and respond to the world around us.

Some studies have found that acidic environments make cancer cells grow. So the notion is that a diet high in alkaline foods (high pH) and low in acidic foods will raise the body’s pH levels (make the body more alkaline) and prevent cancer and other diseases.  These supplements also help with autoimmune diseases and found to be useful in MS treatment.

Raising pH (to an alkaline state) increases the immune system’s ability to kill bacteria, concludes The Royal Free Hospital and School of Medicine in London. The viruses and bacteria which cause bronchitis and colds thrive in an acidic environment. Keeping our pH in the slightly alkaline range of 6.8-7.2 can reduce the risk and lessen the severity of colds, sore throats and bouts of influenza.

In his book,  Hidden Truth of Cancer, Keiichi Morishita writes  as your blood pH becomes too acidic, your body will move the acidic substances from the blood to your cells, allowing the blood to return to a pH level of 7.35. As a result, these cells will become too acidic and in some cases, die. The cells that survive become abnormal cells that cannot correspond with your brain or DNA memory code, typically referred to as “malignant” cells, which will continuously grow.

So if you’re looking for inexpensive solutions to beat diseases, there are plenty of very effective things you can do without spending a lot of money.

I started taking wheatgrass and spirulina daily! Knowing that both of these foods provide all the nutrients that your body needs, I stopped buying any other supplements. A small serving of 30 ml contains roughly 120 calories, more than 300% of your recommended daily allowance (RDA) of iron, more than 200% of the RDA of vitamin A, and 90% of the RDA of vitamin C, along with 8 grams of fiber.


Wheatgrass contains at least 13 vitamins, including B12, many minerals and trace elements, including selenium, and all 20 amino acids. It also contains the hormone abscisic acid (also called: dormin, see below), the antioxidant enzyme SOD (Superoxide Dismutase, see below) and over 30 other enzymes, the antioxidant enzyme cytochrome oxidase (see below), laetrile (see its own page), and a whole lot of other nutrients. Wheat grass proponent Charles Schnabel claimed in the 1940s that “fifteen pounds of wheat grass is equal in overall nutritional value to 350 pounds of ordinary garden vegetables”, a ratio of 1:23. It is also a great source of Chlorophyll, which has been shown to naturally restore the body’s pH levels. Chlorophyll, the chemical that makes wheat grass so vibrantly green, neutralizes toxins in both the liver and the blood, and removes deposits of drugs, heavy metals, and some cancer causing agents.


Spirulina is a great source of B vitamins, calcium, iron, manganese, phosphorous, zinc chromium, potassium, and vitamins A, E, and C.

Its nutritional profile shows it can replace many more expensive supplements, and its research profile reveals its dedication to promoting good health. Spirulina is used to treat a number of health issues.

Several animal studies have documented the ability of spirulina to arrest the development of cancer progression, reduce risk of cancer initiation, and boost the immune system. A source of complete protein and several vitamins and minerals, spirulina is so nutritious that it’s been studied as a food source for astronauts on long space missions.


Did you know that spirulina has been found effective at lowering the immune response when it has become overactive, a function that may make it effective against autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis?

Spirulina has been found as an effective ms treatment. Scientific research  indicates that Spirulina is an immune regulating food. Small amounts can help balance and stabilize the immune system, freeing up more of our metabolic energy for vitality, healing and assimilation of nutrients. It enhances the body’s cellular communication process and also has the ability to read and repair DNA, like a kind of cellular tune up.


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