amazon rainforest waterfall

The Amazon Rainforest isn’t often thought of when it comes to natural healing and natural medicine, but that way of thinking is a big mistake.

The Rainforest isn’t just a place where lots of bugs, jungle cats, rivers and streams are located — it’s also home to the most biodiverse collection of plants on Earth, a large percentage of which still haven’t been studied for their medicinal properties.

Despite that, pharmaceutical companies often send representatives to the Amazon Rainforest to look for their new medicines to synthesize and patent. 

Native healers know all too well that these Rainforest plants are worth their weight in medicinal gold.

Big Pharma Turns Amazon Plants Into Synthetic Drugs

Oftentimes, ‘Big Pharma’ decides to patent and synthesize their valuable compounds for their own financial gain, while leaving out some of the most important parts of the herbs.

A long-forgotten news report, shown below underscores just how important the rainforest is for its incredible, historical and still undervalued medicinal benefits— something the mainstream American media has rarely discussed

News Report Reveals — Up to 70% Of ALL Western Drugs Come From the Rainforest


I first learned about Rainforest herbs through the Amazon Herb Company, a company that sourced its herbal treatments direct from the Amazon Rainforest.

The company was run by Amazon John Easterling, the husband of the late actress and singer Olivia Newton-John, who healed her cancer and other health problems with a combination of organic cannabis and medicinal herbs.

Olivia husband, known as ‘Amazon John’ spent his days “hunting for treasure” in the Amazon Rainforest.

He later also became a lecturer and speaker in support of Rainforest herbs, which helped heal his wife’s cancer and other health problems.

Some of the Top Rainforest Herbs Include the Following

Suma (also known as Brazilian Ginseng)- A powerful adaptogen that nourishes the adrenal glands and endocrine system, my body never seemsto get enough of it.

Uña de Gato (also known as Cat’s Claw or Uncaria Tomentosa)- This herb helps to repair DNA while detoxifying the body and draining the lymp system.

Sangre de Drago- Also known as Dragon’s Blood, this powerful red tree sap reminds of me “Aloe vera on steroids.” It helps improve the formation of youth-giving collagen in the body, repairs wounds, seals the gut lining and much more.

The sangre de Drago (red tree sap) bark and sap are widely used and respected in South America for their healing properties.

-Catuaba- An Amazon Rainforest herb used for high blood pressure, nervousness, ongoing mental and physical fatigue, memory problems and much more. It even may have benefits for skin cancer, erectile dysfunction and similar health problems.

Graviola- One of the strongest anti-cancer herbs on Earth, the fruit and the leaves of this leafy green tree are said to be among the most powerful against cancer according to recent Purdue University research.

-Camu Camu- These tiny orange berries are eaten by everything from mammals to fish in the Amazon Rainforest, and are one of the richest sources of Vitamin C in the world.

Camu Camu berry is sold in Vitamin C capsules, powders, juice and tinctures and has an Earthy orange taste.

While the Amazon Rainforest is the most famous of all of the Earth’s rainforests, it’s just one of many — underscoring just how little we know about the most biodiverse, medicinal herb-rich places on Earth.

The Amazon Herb Company has been bought out and many of its best products have been discontinued or watered down.

I now get my Amazon Rainforest Herbs from two sources:

1. Standard Enzyme- 

Based in Bremen, Georgia, the Standard Enzyme Company’s formulas are usually recommended by naturopathic doctors and healers. They include Cat’s Claw, Camu Camu, Suma, Sangre de Drago and other healing Rainforest herbs.

2. Radiate Immunity- 

Radiate Immunity is a small independent supplement designed to improve the immune system.

It has four rare Amazon Herbs in it, and nearly 20 herbs from around the world.

This product safely detoxifies the body faster than anything I have tried.

It helps me lose weight, digest food better and slim down incredibly fast.

Radiate Immunity contains Sangre de Drago to the stomach liningwhich ensures your body better absorbs nutrients, Cat’s Claw for healing and detoxifying the body at an acute, cellular level, Camu Camu for total body repair and Vitamin C content, Suma for nourishing the adrenal glands and many more top shelf medicinal herbs from around the world. .

If I had to recommend one supplement to get started with Amazon Rainforest Herbs, this is my undisputed number one choice.

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