Many people don’t realize how polluted the air in their own home is.  Don’t forget that many of the pollutants that are outside, make their way inside.  Further, things like fans and air conditioners can make things like mold and fungus spores airborne.  However, there is a natural way to help purify the air in your home all while adding something that can improve your health.  I’m talking about a diffuser for essential oils.  Diffusing essential oils doesn’t just add fragrance to the air, it purifies it and even adds healthy properties to the air that can improve your immunity and even mood.

Science Explains What Happens to Your Body if You Use Too Much Essential Oil

Because diffusing essential oils distributes essential oil molecules throughout your home, it is an excellent way to ensure everyone in your home can benefit from these healthy airborne molecules.  As the molecules are breathed in, tiny nerves in our body are activated to send signals to the brain that moderate our mind and body.  Since these nerves (especially those in the nasal cavity) have direct access to the brain, it is especially beneficial to ingest essential oils via diffusion.


Defusing essential oils can do the following to the air you breathe:

  • Improving the aroma
  • Disinfecting airborne molds and fungus
  • Fracturing molecular structures of toxic chemicals
  • Increasing oxygen levels
  • Increasing ozone and negative ions in the area, which can help inhibit bacterial growth

Support Immune Systems:

Diffusing essential oils not only lessons the burden on your immune system but can actually also support it.  Such oils like Eucalyptus and Cinnamon, have been shown to increase immunity.

A French study in 210 different microbes were colonized and then exposed to air diffused with essential oils.  At the end, of the 210 colonies, only 4 were left.

Reduce Stress and Induce Relaxation

By having the ability to penetrate cellular membranes and cross the blood-brain barrier, essential oils are able to reach the emotional center of the brain.  Use the following blend for emotional support:

Lavender 5 drops

Ylang Ylang 3 drops

Bergamont 2 drops

Using a diffuser for essential oil for deeper Sleep

A published study in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine in 2014, reported on scientific pertaining to lavender.  When combines with valerian, lavender was shown to help with sleep disorders.  Another 2012 article in the journal Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, reported that inhaling a mixture or essential oils that contained lavender, lowered blood pressure and cortisol levels (which is a hormone produced by stress).  Both articles indicate lavender can make falling asleep easier.

Reduce Chest Congestion

Many essential oils have been shown to reduce inflammation and congestion due to clogged airways.  If you have allergies and/or breathing disorders, try diffusing peppermint, rosemary, lemon and eucalyptus.

Reduce Food Cravings

There is a strong relationship between the senses smell and taste.  Some researchers indicate that our sense of smell triggers feeling of fullness before the stomach

The ability of diffused essential oils to impact parts of the brain (like the hypothalamus) means that essential oils can actually impact what we feel…even things like hunger and satiety.

Direct Inhalation

If you don’t own a diffuser for essential oils, it is possible to get similar affects by inhaling essential oils straight from the bottle.  However, this will not spread throughout your home nor will your entire family benefit.  However, if you are interested in personal use (maybe you are at work) then you can also drop a few drops in your hand, rub them together and make a cup with your hands over your nose and mouth to inhale.

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