My husband and I got married just as unexpectedly as we met. He saw me on the street and immediately came to introduce himself. We dated for only five months and decided to have a wedding because I was expecting a child.
After the wedding, the question arose: where would we live? We didn’t have enough money to move into our own apartment, and my parents lived in a one-bedroom flat. My husband’s mother and sister had a three-room apartment, so we decided that having my husband’s extra room would be a good option for us.

My mother-in-law disliked me from the very beginning, perhaps because I had compelled her son to marry me. But I didn’t care what she thought of me. At home, I tried not to interact with her; I spent almost the entire day in my room, watching TV shows and chatting with friends. However, for some reason, my mother-in-law didn’t like that I spent the whole day idle. But in my life, our grandchild was growing, and during pregnancy, I couldn’t strain myself. Well, let the child be born, and then we’ll see…

After the baby was born, my husband didn’t have enough money to buy diapers, and my mother-in-law refused to lend money for the baby’s sake. I had to use cloth diapers that stank up the whole house, and my mother-in-law had to buy disposable diapers. The baby cried at night, not letting anyone in the family sleep. My mother-in-law blamed me for this, but what could I do? Eventually, she took the baby to her room for the night. I was tired of living under scrutiny. I was constantly criticized and blamed for everything. My friends wondered why we didn’t move out of this “prison.”

We had no money, and we relied on my mother-in-law for support. Besides, it was their grandchild, and they should take care of him.

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