Full of nutrition, this bright yellow citrus fruit kills viruses and bacteria. Its scent promotes calm and a feeling of well-being while its oil cleans and disinfects. Lemons help us breathe better, think better and sleep better. Additionally, they alkalize our body to keep body chemistry in balance.
In every detox drink, lemons cleanse the liver, fight inflammation, regulate blood pressure and lower cholesterol. Additionally, the antioxidants and anti-inflammatories found in lemon attack cancers, relieve pain and boost metabolism. The fruit is good for hair and skin too, from its astringent properties to its carcinoma-killing abilities. It seems like we can’t say enough about this sour fruit. Here are some uses for lemons you might not have thought of.

1.lemon and salt: Kitchen air freshener

The lemon smell is distinct. Its essential oil contains limonene, an antioxidant. Inhaling limonene has been shown to prevent asthma symptoms, likely via ozone scavenging activity. Lemon essential oil, which has a bright aroma, has been shown to kill E. coli, a harmful bacteria found in the kitchen. Cut a whole lemon into quarters, enough to penetrate the skin to the pulp, but not all the way. Sprinkle sea or Himalayan salt over the exposed flesh of the lemon and place in the center of the kitchen. The lemon and salt will absorb unwanted odors while killing viruses and bacteria in the air.

The fresh, clean scent of lemon is often used in many commercial products because many people enjoy it – and it goes a long way by smelling so good.

2.lemon juice kitchen disinfectant

Use lemon juice as a disinfectant in the kitchen, bathroom, baby’s room or elsewhere. Since it is food, it is safe to use to disinfect other foods. A study by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on natural disinfectants found that citric acid from lemon juice effectively kills common household germs, especially when allowed to sit for at least 30 minutes. Lemon juice also kills the cholera virus and can safely disinfect water (if the water does not inherently have a high pH). To use as a disinfectant in the kitchen:
* Mix the juice of 3 lemons, two tablespoons of Castile soap and half a teaspoon of sea salt in a quart bottle.
*Fill the bottle with water and shake to mix.
* Use anywhere you want to kill germs and keep your kitchen clean.

By ruby

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