Elena, a woman leading a fulfilling life, remains optimistic and positive. She remarried at the age of 45 to Igor, a wealthy man with his own business that generates a consistently high income. Lena has two independent adult children, each with their own families, but she has yet to officially become a grandmother.

Igor, Lena’s new husband, also has two children from his previous marriage. Last month, his elder daughter, Christina, gave birth to their first grandchild, named after Igor.

Ecstatic about being a grandfather, Igor organized a lavish five-day celebration in honor of the newborn. After the festivities, he turned to Lena, saying, “Congratulations, you’re a grandmother now!” He mentioned the need for gifts and assistance for the new parents, anticipating significant expenses.

In response, Elena questioned the assumption, stating that her children haven’t given her grandchildren yet and expressing skepticism about the expected financial burden. This led to a conflict between the couple, resulting in a period of non-communication, although they continued to live under the same roof. After two weeks, grievances slowly dissolved, and they reconciled.

Recently, Kristina, Igor’s daughter from his first marriage, asked them to babysit her son for a day as she and her husband had business to attend to. Igor, eager to go hunting with friends, urged Lena to help Kristina, but Elena reminded him that it was his grandson, not hers, and she had no intention of babysitting while he enjoyed himself.

Elena posed a logical question to Igor, asking if he’s a true grandfather unable to sit with his grandson, shouldn’t he seek help from a real grandmother. This reignited the conflict, and now all “parents,” including Christina, her husband, and the actual grandmother, took offense at Lena.

The situation remains unresolved, with Lena contemplating moving into her own apartment. Igor, seemingly indifferent, has not taken any measures to address the escalating tension. While the outcome is uncertain, it appears their union is heading towards collapse.

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