About Oksana Davletova and her difficult life situation, it became known not so long ago. The young woman became known for raising three children who have a challenging diagnosis – cerebral palsy.

Oksana got married when she was 20 years old. Everything was fine with her husband, and they dreamed of having a large family, but there were some fertility problems. To address the issue, the couple went to a clinic, and during an ultrasound, they were shown twins. There was no limit to their happiness.

However, a trouble-free pregnancy suddenly turned into premature childbirth. Unfortunately, when contractions began, Oksana was in a village where she and her babies couldn’t receive proper medical assistance. She was only brought to the hospital in the city of Ufa three days later.

During this time, the children did not receive enough oxygen, and doctors believed it was too late to save them. Therefore, they resorted to artificial respiration. Both of Oksana’s sons, Semyon and Kirill, survived but with multiple acquired illnesses due to premature and difficult births, including cerebral palsy. Oksana’s husband was by her side all the time, trying to improve the boys’ health, but to no avail.

After some time, the couple considered adopting a daughter from an orphanage. But at one point, Oksana decided to become pregnant, hoping that this time everything would be fine. The pregnancy did not have complications, and everything seemed to be going well. Oksana followed all the doctors’ recommendations. However, before the birth, the ultrasound showed that the child was not in perfect health, but after birth, doctors insisted that the boy was still in good condition.

But troubles also arose with the couple’s youngest son, and this time it was congenital. Both hemispheres of his brain work independently. Oksana’s husband couldn’t bear the fact that all three of their sons were born with illnesses and left the family, completely abandoning the children.

But Oksana didn’t have time to despair. She realized that she was the only person in the world who loved them and was willing to do anything for these three boys. Due to the children’s conditions, it is quite challenging for Oksana to take them out every day (they need fresh air), as the family lives in a multi-story building on the 7th floor. During the summer, the caring mother moves with her children to the countryside, to a village house.

Given all her responsibilities, it’s truly remarkable how she manages to do everything. Semyon, having more opportunities than the other children, even goes to the gym with his mother. He also helps his mother take care of his brothers when Oksana goes to the store.

Oksana has an Instagram profile where she shares her thoughts about her life and that of her children. She assures that she doesn’t regret how everything turned out and faces all the challenges with dignity.

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