A few years ago, we were expecting our first child. At the three-month mark of the pregnancy, we decided to find out the baby’s gender. I was really looking forward to having a boy. I had always wanted my first child to be a son. However, during the ultrasound, the baby didn’t reveal its gender. It seemed like the baby didn’t want to disclose its secret.
Perhaps it was because I expressed a strong desire for a son, and all our relatives assured me that it would be a boy. My mother-in-law once said that my belly looked just like hers during her pregnancy with my husband. My grandmother mentioned that if I craved sour foods, it was a sign of having a boy.

In the end, I started believing that it would be a boy and began choosing a name with my husband. I went through many names and their meanings, but neither of us liked any of them. One day, while I was walking in the park near our house, I met a young family with a newborn baby. The baby was adorable and was named Artemiy.

I asked the young mother, “What an interesting name! Who chose it?” She replied, “He did it himself. When he was still in my belly, I tried various names, but he didn’t respond. It was only when I said ‘Artemiy’ that he started moving. I realized that he liked that name.” She explained that her advice to me was to do the same because the baby inside you has the strongest connection with you, and they will surely react.

So, I followed her advice. When I got home, I lay down on the bed and started saying different names, both male and female. The baby didn’t react at all. Just for fun, I mentioned a few more female names, and that’s when the baby started kicking. But since the second ultrasound showed it was a boy, I didn’t dwell on it too much. I remembered this story when the girl was born. Despite what our relatives said and what the ultrasound showed, I welcomed a beautiful princess into the world with a pre-selected name.

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