Today, anyone can be made very beautiful because there are all the possibilities for it. Every day, on Instagram or another social network, we see retouched and photoshopped photos of beautiful people. Different programs can add anything and remove excess. And when these same people meet in reality, we realize that not everything is as perfect as it seems.

When everyone saw the photo of this baby, no one could believe that there was no Photoshop or anything else, and the girl really looks like a doll. But above all, they were surprised by her eyelashes longer than her age. Years later, the girl’s mother started uploading new photos and videos with her daughter, and everything fell into place. Everyone understood that the parents do not use any programs, and they do not attach false eyelashes.

Let’s get to know the little Instagrammer and her family. The mom is from Latvia, her name is Stefani, and she is a hairdresser. She has been married to an African American man for over ten years. The couple is raising three children.
LStefani is far from show business, but by posting a photo of little Amaya four years ago, she garnered many likes and comments.

The baby was not yet a year old, and her eyelashes were so long that people didn’t believe they were natural. Currently, she has 100,000 followers. Everyone predicts a future as a model for little Amaya. According to her parents, she loves to pose and is not afraid of cameras. They are already considering offering her a modeling agency.

Let me tell you that another beauty is growing in the family, Amaya’s sister, Naila, with the same doll-like appearance and long eyelashes. Indeed, nature has been generous to this family.

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