Is Throwing A Party Mandatory?

Is Throwing A Party MandatoryImage: Shutterstock

We understand that kids parties aren’t the simple fun filled events they once were. Nowadays, planning a kids birthday party is a million times harder and more expensive than planning your own. Finding a location that everyone is comfortable with, sending out invites, catering to dietary requirements, party favors, themes and entertainment all take too much time to figure out. But you don’t have to call lots of guests and arrange for a customized candy table in order to celebrate your baby turning 5. They probably won’t care about most of that stuff anyway. The most important thing is to find ways to celebrate their birthday in a meaningful way. Do things that they like and appreciate. Take them to the park or movies with their friends, or simply spend the day at their favorite amusement park. A celebration doesn’t have to always involve a party. Children seek explanations for life events just like adults do, so make sure to commemorate the day by doing something they’ll remember.

What Are The Advantages And Importance Of Celebrating Birthdays?

What Are The Advantages And ImportanceImage: Shutterstock

Children, especially toddlers, perceive birthdays as an annual experience which indicates a sudden change in the passage of time. Birthday parties are simply events that represent their growth enhancement which keeps them on par with their peers. This is why they must be taken seriously.

Besides, there are several advantages to celebrating birthdays such as:

1. Increases Self-Esteem

It’s easy to feel good about yourself when everyone you love has taken the time to come and celebrate with you. And that’s what birthdays do for your child. They feel loved and cherished, and know that they play an important role in the family. Knowing that their birthday is an important event to others as well as themselves increases their self-esteem.

2. Strengthens Family Bonds

Strengthens Family BondsImage: Shutterstock

Don’t you have fond memories of spending birthdays surrounded by uncles, aunts and grandparents? We love an event that brings the whole family together and birthdays are on top of that list! Having family traditions is good for your little one. Irrespective of the scale of the celebration, what matters most is that you are all together. This is also a great way for your child to learn the importance of family time and will give them a chance to bond with members they don’t see very often.

3. Establishes Social Relationships

Inviting those closest to you like your child’s grandparents, godparents and close friends will help your child get to know the people you love. It gives them the opportunity to form relationships of their own with them and helps them relate better with your inner circle through love and kindness. Forming a sense of companionship is easier to facilitate if your comrades show up for a life event like your child’s birthday.

4. Creates Positive Memories

Creates Positive MemoriesImage: Shutterstock

Creating beautiful memories that your child can look back and smile on should be your main goal. At the end of the day, we don’t remember the decor or the color of the cake, we remember time spent having fun with our friends and being happy with our parents. Those are the moments we cherish forever. So next time your baby’s birthday rolls up, skip the expensive niceties and just focus on creating memories with them. These are the experiences that ensure that you have a strong bond with them as time goes by.

5. Helps In The Perception Of Time

Children are only aware of their growth by observing others. They constantly compare themselves to those around them and age is no different. This is why birthdays are seen as a way to discover the process of growing up.

Keep in mind that your child does not need an ostentatious or whimsical birthday. Your child will not think you love them more just because you spent a couple more hundreds on matching cutlery and table cloths. They are motivated by the fact that they are taken into account and that their wishes and emotional needs are considered. Your child just wants to be valued and loved. So simply blowing out candles and cutting a cake will satisfy them. P.S Don’t forget the camera!

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