Being a parent is hard work. You need to teach your kids the right values, impart your beliefs and teach them how to be tough and empathetic at the same time. All while still balancing work, your relationships and trying to navigate your own life. It’s needless to say that sometimes parents can get overwhelmed when it comes to their kids and make some decisions that they may regret later on. After all, parents are people too and we’re all bound to mess up once in a while. However, there are a few things that you should absolutely refrain from doing to your kids so that you don’t jeopardize your relationship with them in the long haul. Want to know what they are and how to avoid them? Here are a few mistakes most parents regret making and how to ensure that you don’t do the same.
1. They Didn’t Enjoy Communicating With Their Kids
Sometimes, having to look after your child and tend to their every need can make you feel like they are just another chore on your endless checklist, and you may forget to communicate with them and enjoy them altogether. Parents need to communicate with their kids just as much to make sure they raise responsible kids. Yes, this can mean that you have less free time or that you are usually multitasking while trying to listen to your child, but it’s better than waking up one day and realizing that your child has completely shut you out of their life. Kids grow up so quickly. Don’t miss out on knowing who your children are just to have some spare time to yourself.
2. They Didn’t Hug Their Kid Often Enough
For the last time, no, you cannot spoil your child by hugging or holding or loving them too much. In fact, several scientists have proof that hugging your child can improve their mental and physical health (1). And although there are some wonderful advantages to hugging, we’re sure nothing beats the feeling of simply holding them in your arms. Sometimes parents hesitate to show their kids physical affection because they think that this will somehow ruin their image of authority or make their kids take them too lightly. But this is the furthest thing from the truth. Kids love their parents and want to feel loved in return. Once they know that you truly care for their wellbeing they are more likely to listen to you and respect you.
3. They Didn’t Play Creative Games Together
This is the best way to figure out what your child is interested in and what they are good at. Sure, not everyone can be a world renowned artist or a sportsperson, but playing creative games is a great outlet for your kids. This is how they learn to express themselves in exciting ways and find out what their strengths and weaknesses are. Besides, creative games are a great way for your child to develop their sense of imagination, intelligence and even increase their vocabulary. And of course, you get to connect and bond with your little one in the process. Having shared interest can make sure that your child and you have a strong foundation for a relationship that will last a lifetime.
4. They Often Followed Someone Else’s Advice
There’s absolutely no one who knows what your child needs like you do. Every child and family dynamic is different, so, as helpful as it is to get a second opinion from someone with more experience with kids, at the end of the day following someone else’s advice word for word may not work as well as you thought it would. There are many people who feel the need to share their opinion on how a mother is supposed to act, dress and take care of her child. But you don’t need to heed them. But remember, your child knows you and you know them. You have a bond like no other so let your gut guide you. And if you and your little one do run into problems along the way, discussing how to solve them amongst yourself is far more beneficial and efficient than simply complaining behind your child’s back.
Parenting isn’t always sunshine and smiles. Sometimes it’s difficult choices, important decisions and a million things you could get wrong. This is why it’s crucial that you don’t make these mistakes with your kids as they grow up. Happy parenting!