Motherhood is a blessing but it comes with its own share of problems. Every new mom has certain expectations from her new life but is hit hard with the reality soon after. No matter how prepared you are, this little human being is going to surprise you with his tricks. Here, we have prepared a list of moments that go against the expectation of the new moms. So check it out and have a good laugh, because it’s always better to have a little bit of fun being a mom.

After birth

after brithSource: ruthannieparnell

How can Kate Middleton look so fresh just a few hours after giving birth while I couldn’t even go to the washroom on my own?

Baby sleeping alone

baby sleeping alone

Oh! so you thought you can have some ‘me time’ while the baby is sleeping in her crib? Wait! come back, she won’t let you go so easily.

Diaper change

changing diaper

Source: common_wild

What it looks like vs what it feels like.

During Day time


You want to spend some quality time with your husband and your baby during the daytime but looks like they are tired and need to sleep. What could be the reason? Let’s find out.

At Night

at night

Now you know, what keeps them drowsy in the day.

Sleeping with the baby

sleeping with baby

Source: Esther Anderson

This is going to be the most difficult task for you as a new mom. According to research, the parents of newborns miss out on six months’ worth of sleep in the first two years of their baby’s life.

Playing with kidsplaying with kids

Source: common_wild

No matter where you go, your kids are going to follow you everywhere.

Bath time

baby bathing

Nobody’s stronger than a baby that doesn’t want to take bath.


feeding baby

Make sure you eat first because babies take forever to finish a meal.

Working from home

working from home

If you are planning to start working from home after the birth of your baby, productivity is going to take a nosedive.

Helpful husband

husband feeding baby

Well, husbands being husbands. We’re not generalizing here as many husbands are supportive. But it’s also a fact that when it comes to taking care of a newborn, most of the job is done by the mother.

So, did you enjoy the list? How many of those moments can you relate to? No matter how tiring motherhood is, just one smile of your baby can make it all absolutely worth it.

If you giggled reading this, don’t forget to share it with your partner or friends or anyone who will enjoy reading this.

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