These days, many people are looking for ways to supplement their income, and making and selling homemade confectionery can be a great financial opportunity.

Blackberry jam, in addition to being delicious, is easy to prepare and has great sales potential. Whether to add a special touch to breakfast or to enhance the flavor of a dessert, jam is an essential option.
2 cups blackberries (fresh or frozen)
1½ cups sugar (equivalent to 240 grams)
1 tablespoon lemon juice

Preparation of Blackberry Jam:

Start the Process: Gather all the ingredients. If you choose to use fresh blackberries, be sure to wash them well.
For frozen blackberries, it is not necessary to thaw them before preparation. Don’t forget to remove the stems from the blackberries.
Cooking the Blackberries: Combine the blackberries and sugar in a saucepan over medium-low heat.
Continue stirring until the sugar is completely dissolved.
Adding the Lemony Touch: After about 20 minutes, when the blackberries begin to break down, add the lemon juice.
Keep stirring to get the perfect consistency for the jam.
Checking Consistency: To find out if the jam is the right consistency, scrape the bottom of the pan. Another tip is to place a little jam on a plate and tilt it so
the jam should not flow out easily.

Finishing: If you want a smoother jam, let it cool a little, then blend it in a blender.
Return the mixture to the pan and cook for a few more minutes.
Storage: Transfer the jam while still hot into sterilized glass jars.
This process will ensure a 3-4 month shelf life for your jam.

By ruby

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