A tea bag can give great satisfaction even in the area of ​​cleaning. As absurd as it may sound, it can yield incredible results, with minimal effort and negligible expense.

At home, everyone has  at least one tea bag  , so it may not even be necessary to go to the supermarket to try the method that we are going to explain to you.

All women in the world  dream of having a bathroom that is always clean  , bright, shiny and fragrant. Unfortunately, not everyone succeeds, especially when it comes to  old sanitary appliances,  damaged by limescale and the years. One attempt after another, but all prove useless.

The tea bag, the perfect substitute for aggressive detergents

A tea bag can be useful  and prove to be the best method, surpassing the products indicated for bathroom hygiene, which often do not achieve their objective.

These are expensive, bad for your health and, in many cases, also corrode the  sanitary material  that you may even have to change sooner or later. You can buy all the products available in the supermarket, but they are all the same, their action does not achieve the promised result.

How to use tea bags in the bathroom

Anyone who wants to have a  perfect bathroom, clean, fragrant, shiny, like new,  only has to wash it carefully, as we do every day, no more and no less, then throw  a tea bag in the toilet. toilets  . It is advisable to leave it on overnight to obtain maximum results.

After the night has passed,  you can open the toilet lid  , take the brush, run it over the top edges and sides, flush the toilet and smell the clean smell. The  tea bag eliminates bad odors  . It is a remedy from a popular tradition,  transmitted over the years by older generations  and which is gradually coming back into fashion.

How to Use Tea in an Alternative Way

Alternatively, you can also steep  2 tea bags  in 500ml of hot water. You must leave them on for at least 5 minutes.

Once the necessary time has elapsed,  pour the mixture into the toilet  and leave it to act again overnight. The next day,  not only will the toilets be fragrant,  but the water will also be less hard.

Other DIY Home Remedies

Tea bags  aren’t the only home remedy for a clean, fragrant and disinfected bathroom. For example, follows citric acid, considered  the most environmentally friendly alternative to vinegar  . Dissolve 150 g of citric acid in 1 liter of water then mix everything. Add half a teaspoon of essential oil (the scent is personal so you can choose it freely, nothing changes), then pour  the mixture into a spray bottle and spray it in the toilet  . The end result will be shocking. The action of the compound is antibacterial, cleansing, the final scent will be summery, fresh.

At home, you can also prepare DIY tea bombs. You need 200 grams of  sodium bicarbonate, 50 grams  of citric acid, 1/2 tablespoon of ecological dishwashing liquid and finally 10 drops of essential oil, always to your taste. Citric acid, baking soda and dishwashing detergent are mixed. The mixture should resemble wet sand. Then add the  drops of essential oil   and pour the mixture into  silicone molds. Drying takes at least  4 hours, in some cases it may take a little longer.

When the bombs are dry, they can be unmolded and stored, or used. To use them, simply flush them down the toilet. What will be triggered will be a  “sparkling” reaction  , which will eliminate dirt, limescale and bad odors.

By ruby

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