Why Do Babies Smell So Good?

There are plenty of reasons why people love newborn babies. Some love them because they are small and cute and some simply love them because they smell so good. It is not a secret that newborn babies emit a pleasant smell that attracts and pacifies adults as well. We are not talking about the smell caused by creams and powders, we are talking about the innate aroma that babies have. Especially, the head of the babies which is one of the most pleasant scents known to mankind today.

The scent that comes out of babies helps parents connect with them on a deeper level. It causes the brain to release dopamine, the happiness hormone. As a result, people around babies are full of joy.

What Do Babies Smell Like?

mom smelling the baby

After conducting several surveys and examining many research studies, we found out that all babies smell differently. In general, it is a sweet and cheesy odor that lingers around in the first few weeks after a baby is born. Babies smell good irrespective of the fact whether it’s a vaginal delivery or C-section. The smell lasts for a couple of weeks. Then, it eventually fades away only to be replaced by the artificial aroma of baby creams and powders.

Why Do The Babies Smell So Good?

why babies smell so good

Addressing the elephant in the room, let’s get on to why newborn babies smell so good. There is no definite answer to that except for some theories by scientists that may or may not be true. One of the most common theories is that it is the scent of amniotic fluid in which the babies float for so many months. They are covered by vernix caseosa, a waxy white matter that imparts the odor to the infant.  

Almost everyone who has witnessed childbirth will agree that it is a messy affair. Newborn babies are coated with this fluid for a long time. In older days, people did not use to bathe their babies for almost two weeks. Today, many hospitals still follow this, after delivery, they don’t bathe the babies immediately. As a result, the fluid stays on the baby which in turn produces a pleasant odor. It may also be the reason why this smell lasts only for a limited number of days. Until the substance stays on the body of the baby and is not completely washed off, the scent lingers on the baby’s head.

WHO recommends bathing a baby after at least 24 hours of childbirth. In fact, the longer one waits for the first bath, the better for the baby and the mother. It contributes to the new baby’s smell and also acts as a natural and strong moisturizer protecting the baby’s sensitive skin from foreign bodies. During this time the mother and child can bond and the start of breastfeeding becomes easier.

Alternative Theory On Why Babies Smell So Good:

Another theory that defines why babies smell like they do suggests that the odor comes from the chemicals that are found in a baby’s sweat. Now, this smell does not last forever. This is because the baby’s diet changes and their metabolism turns faster when they start eating solid foods.

You will also be interested to know that almost 9 out of 10 mothers can recognize their babies by smelling their heads. Several studies have shown that the scent plays a significant role in developing emotional responses between child and mother. The reason this odor plays a crucial role is because it has the power to stimulate your brain to release dopamine. It also triggers significant memories of your loved ones making you feel attached to things.

Wrapping Up

There are some people who believe that this earthy scent is nature’s ruse to make parents and loved ones fall in love with the sweet and adorable creatures.

As and when this newborn scent fades, new scents take up the onus to help the babies smell as good as before. Nevertheless, mothers and fathers always love the scent of their little kids. It is comfortable, pleasant, and enjoyable to a great extent.

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