EDD passed but no sign of labor – What to do?

A normal pregnancy lasts for around 38 to 42 weeks. It if lasts over 42 weeks, then it is considered to be overdue pregnancy. Such type of pregnancy is referred to as post-term pregnancy. Failing to experience labor by the due date, can cause a lot of worries. If you relate to this condition, then this article is for you. Here, you will learn about the right ways to induce labor after EDD (Estimated Due Date).

What are the reasons to miss EDD?

Overdue pregnancy can be caused due to various reasons such as irregular periods, imprecise menstrual history as provided to the obstetrician, and misidentifying spotting during initial days of pregnancy for a long period.

Is It Risky For Passing Due Date?

It has been observed that around five percentage of babies are born on their estimated due date. You need to know that due dates are not the precise way to mark the age of a fetus. Some of the probable risks associated with this problem are:

  • The ability of placenta to provide your baby with right amounts of nutrients, and oxygen that may be compromised.
  • The amount of indispensable amniotic fluid that can reduce with the growth of the baby.
  • The chances of increase in fetal distress.
  • There is a possibility that the fetus increases in size to pass safely via the birth canal
  • If a baby is not born by the due date, then there is a risk that he will be born “stillborn”.

What is the method to determine due date?

Due date, or “estimated date of delivery” is critical for the determination of the birth of fetus. This date is never precise. This length of pregnancy is determined on the basis of the last menstrual period, and on the basis of ultrasound scans.

It will let you know how big the baby has become. As the menstrual period is not precisely a month apart, it makes it difficult to compute the right due date. Due to this reason, midwives, and doctors will adjust the due date according to the position of fetus in the ultrasound scan in early pregnancy. This scan is performed in the initial twelve weeks of pregnancy.

Ways to see the development of the unborn baby

Certain type of examinations can assist doctors, and midwives to figure out possible issues that can impact the child, or mother. If the due date passes, then you may need to perform more check-ups, and appointments.

Some of the common types of examinations that needs to be conducted are cardiotocography, and ultrasound scans. Where the CTG examines the heart rate of baby, the ultrasound scan checks the size of the baby along with the amniotic fluid level that surrounds it. You may be examined for any signs of infection.

When is labor induced?

It is a personal decision of a woman as to when she wishes to induce labor. The timing will depend on whether or not there are high risks of complications at the time of the birth. Some of the factors that needs to be considered are:

  • how much a baby is overdue?
  • how old a woman is?
  • does she smoke?
  • how much is her weight?
  • how big her fetus child is?
  • are there any indications that the child is at risk?

Even if the doctor does not see any of the above risks, labor induction is recommended after specific period of time.
After a week of the due date, if a woman does not experience labor, then labor induction becomes important to prevent death of the baby. It also lowers the chances of acute breathing troubles in a woman.

Based on what the fetus is doing, the doctor may advise use of specific medicines to begin labor. This will help in avoiding complications or fetal distress. This condition happens when the baby is not capable to obtain enough amount of oxygen in the body. This results in reduction in the heart rate of the baby.

What helps in initiating labor in a woman?

There are several conventional methods that can be used to start labor in women. These methods are stimulation of nipples that not just helps in beginning labor, but also lessen the chances of bleeding after delivery.

Other methods are drinking raspberry tea to relax the cervix, acupuncture, application of primrose oil, castor oil treatment, homeopathy treatment and more. It is beneficial to ask the doctor, or midwife about the available options for initiating labor in the hospital and the associated benefits and drawbacks of each method.

Also read: Tips To Prepare For Labor And Delivery


It is quite obvious to feel anxious when you do not experience labor near your due date. In majority of cases, overdue babies are born without any signs of complications. To reduce the chances of complications, it is advised to induce labor after a specific time duration, even if the baby, and mother are in best health. By getting quick assistance of your doctor, and implementing methods as suggested, will surely help in inducing labor.

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