3. They tenderize meat

Since banana peels make good compost, they also make excellent fertilizer for roses.
5. They relieve mosquito bites

Since banana peels make good compost, they also make excellent fertilizer for roses.
5. They relieve mosquito bites

Although not confirmed by science, people say using banana peels on their mosquito bites helps relieve swelling and itching.
6. They remove splinters

Si vous avez un petit problème d’écharde, vous pouvez poser une peau de banane directement sur la zone affectée, et la laisser poser toute la nuit. Cela va ramollir votre peau, rendant l’extraction de l’écharde plus aisée.
7. Elles traitent l’acné

Do you have acne problems? Rub the inside of a banana peel over your face for ten minutes, and leave on for a few moments. Don’t rinse your face immediately, to let the banana peel work its magic.
8. They polish your shoes

Si vous êtes à court de cirage pour vos chaussures, il vous suffit juste de frotter l’intérieur d’une peau de banane sur vos chaussures en cuir, puis d’essuyer avec un linge propre. Brillance assurée !
9. Elles réduisent l’apparition des rides

Make banana peel part of your beauty routine. They’re rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, so they prevent wrinkles. Rub the inside of a banana peel over your wrinkles, and observe its miracles on your skin.
10. They polish silver

Since banana peels polish your leather shoes, why not your silverware? Simply mix banana peels with water, and use them to polish your silverware…
11. They control aphids

Cut off a few banana peels and place them near your plants. Aphids happen to hate banana peels.
12. They make bruises disappear

If you have bruises, you can make them disappear quickly by rubbing a banana peel over them, and leaving them overnight.