Mom Illustrates The Differences Between First And Second Kid

Every pregnancy is special, but the thrill and excitement parents have for their first child is felt somewhat missing during the second pregnancy. No doubt parents love each of their kids equally, but it’s quite natural for first time parents to be extra careful with their first kid, because everything is new and they need to learn. With the second born, parents get relaxed and chilled out about things they worried so much at the time of first born because now they have the knowledge and experience.

Wang chen, a mom of 2 daughters and an artist and game designer by profession has hillariously explained the differences between raising the first and second kid with a comic series. Check out the strips below. You can check out more of Weng’s work on her website, Messy Cow, or on Facebook.

#1 You are not so cautious about your diet this time around

pregnancy first and second kid

©Wang Chen

#2 How your partner treats you changes slightly

first kid status

©Wang Chen

#3 Even friends are not that excited second time around

friends first and second kid

©Wang Chen

#4 No more pumping

nursing first and second kid

©Wang Chen

#5 Your idea of hygiene has evolved this time around

hygiene first and second kid

©Wang Chen

#6 Of feeding as well

feeding first and second kid

©Wang Chen

#7 You know which medicine to give

fever first and second kid

©Wang Chen

#8 Clothes are not the priority now

clothes first and second kid

©Wang Chen

#9 Nor the toys

toys first and second kid

©Wang Chen

#10 Saving paper this time around

pictures first and second kid

©Wang Chen

#11 Parents can teach better, now you believe

learning first and second kid

©Wang Chen

#12 TV is no long a bad influence

parenting first and second kid

©Wang Chen

#13 You don’t get impress easily this time around

progress first and second kid

©Wang Chen

#14 You love to have some self time now

school first and second kid

©Wang Chen

These comics by Wang are so to the point. As per weng, the inspiration for the comics came from the moments with her daughters. The comics have gone viral on the internet and parents from all around the world found them relatable.

If you enjoyed these comics and found them relatable, don’t forget to share this post.

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