Dear Jack and Teddy,

I know we’ve only known each other for less than two years now, but believe me when I tell you, I have thought about you for as long as I can remember. I didn’t know what you would look like or what your personality would be, but I knew with every ounce of my soul that I would dedicate my life to ensuring you grew up in a safe and supportive environment. As your mother, my life’s mission is to ensure you have the love and tools necessary to grow up healthy and stable. And I am dedicated to giving you what every son needs from his mother.

You might not know this at the tender ages of two and one, but mothers and sons throughout history have had varied relationships that run the gamut from codependent to toxic and everything in between. Movies have been made, books have been written, and therapy sessions scheduled to help sort through the intricacies of this complex relationship. And in many cases, mothers and sons have had a loving relationship that spans life’s ups and downs. Baby boys, I can only hope and dream that you and I will be included in those lucky ones.

Mutual Respect

Before I impart my motherly wisdom to you, let me first issue the disclaimer that I am no expert. I am just a mama looking to ensure her boys show and receive respect throughout their lives. I want you to live your life in a way that makes you proud.

And that brings me to my first tip. You need to see respect modeled from me. You need to see how I treat you and others around me. I want you to understand what that looks like. You need to show it to others as you mature and grow. This is important because the respect I show you as babies and toddlers creates the building blocks imprinted in your brain. You are worthy, important, and so incredibly valuable. Please continue to remind me that you aren’t expecting perfection but respect, even in my most tired, stressed out, and overwhelmed moments.

Family Values

You also need me to remember and recognize that societal norms are changing. We as parents need to change along with the times. Families look different than they did decades ago. With those changes come beautiful new definitions that require us to challenge the previous notions we were accustomed to.

My little baby loves, you don’t have to grow up assuming that you must be the sole provider for your family. The safety and security of your family don’t fall on you alone. Instead, you can grow up knowing that if you choose to find a partner and begin a life together, you can decide what that looks like and how you navigate it. You need to know that this responsibility doesn’t fall only on you. I will remind (read: nag) you about this vital point as often as necessary. You must carve out time to rest and take a break from feeling like the world is on your shoulders.


You also need me to teach you how important it is to nurture your gentle side. Along with your incredible dad, I want to make sure you know the value of taking an active parenting role (if you choose to have children). You need me to be gentle with you. Of course, I recognize the importance of being firm when needed. I will always ensure you have boundaries so you won’t become entitled, spoiled brats.

However, I want you to realize the beauty of being gentle with those around you and yourself. Give yourself grace, and the rest will fall into place. You need to have the opportunity to play with dolls, cook, clean, and know how to do laundry properly. Those stereotypical roles historically reserved for women are not that way anymore. I am excited to teach you about honing your skills in the caretaker role so that one day you can have the capacity to do that for your own family if you choose. And I know your sweet personalities can cultivate a safe, supportive, and loving environment. I will be there to cheer you every step of the way.

Critical Thinking and Empathy

Jack and Teddy, throughout your lives, you will encounter numerous situations requiring you to use your critical thinking skills, emotional intelligence, and empathic hearts. By creating a home filled with love and respect, I hope you can tap into that and go forth into your life, ready to spread that goodness to others. You need me to teach you family values aligned with core beliefs about simply being good people, understanding and respecting differences, and knowing your worth.

You need to know that it’s okay to cry (you’ve got that part down at ages two and one so far!) and that you can choose to pick the battles you’d like to engage in. Most importantly, you must remember that your mama is here for you every step of the way. Being your mother is the most important job of my life. I am eternally grateful for the daily reminder that the most important thing any son needs from his mother is simply me.

Love always,
