Is It Safe To Climb Stairs In Pregnancy?

You have been advised in your pregnancy not to climb stairs, but is it really necessary? It is important for a pregnant woman to take special care of herself, and prevent any situations that might cause jerks, but should she need to avoid stairs completely. This article will tell you all about safety of climbing stairs in pregnancy.

How safe is it to climb stairs in Pregnancy?

According to health experts, climbing stairs during pregnancy is completely safe as long as you keep your body balanced. You need to ensure that you keep yourself protected from any incidences of falling, and tripping from the stairs.

You will find a shift in the gravity center in the later periods of pregnancy that increases the chances of falling. Due to this reason, it is not advised to climb stairs when you are in your third trimester or in the beginning of the 37th week of pregnancy.

At this time, the fetus will begin to drop into the pelvis. Though you can comfortably breathe now, but the shifting of weight to your lower body will make it hard for you to climb the stairs.

Reasons why you should climb stairs in Pregnancy

According to doctors, climbing stairs in the safe manner leads to a normal, and healthy pregnancy. There are several health advantages associated with it. Some of them being:

Reduces chances of Preeclampsia: Women who stay active in their pregnancy are found to have low chances of preeclampsia. It is a very serious condition that if develops in a pregnant woman can lead to increased blood pressure, kidney troubles, and swollen feet, and hands.

Lowers possibilities of Gestational Diabetes: Climbing stairs in the first trimester regularly decreases the possibilities of developing gestational diabetes. This is the condition when blood glucose levels are high, and your body isn’t able to process this increasing amount.

Reduces constipation, and backaches: Performing physical activities in early stages of pregnancy reduces the chances of constipation, and backaches. It also assists in reduction of bloating, and swelling. It gives the ability to expecting women to cope better with labor discomfort.

Important safety tips that you should adopt when climbing ladders in pregnancy

Any type of physical activity that you perform in your pregnancy has to be done with a lot of caution, and care.

  • You need to ensure that you properly hold the handrail at all the time when you are climbing stairs.
    It is advisable to take one step at a time and climb slowly. This will help in preventing you from getting imbalanced.
  • Ensure that you see the staircase properly at the time of climbing the stairs. Never climb stairs in darkness.
  • Do not rush while climbing the stairs. Maintain slow pace.
  • Do not overexert yourself when climbing the stairs. Take regular breaks while climbing the staircase.
  • Another very important thing to ensure that stairs aren’t greased, or wet. If they have been cleaned, then allow them to dry before you begin using them.
  • The next important thing to consider is what you are wearing when you are climbing stairs. Wear clothes that do not reach your legs When you wear overflowing dresses, it can lead to possibilities of tripping over it.
  • If you slip, or trip while climbing stairs, it is very important to contact your doctor immediately.
  • If the stairs are carpeted, then make sure the carpet isn’t loose. Being cautious will prevent you from falling.

When is it unsafe to climb stairs in pregnancy?

The safest time to climb stairs is the first trimester of pregnancy. As your pregnancy progresses, the risks of getting injured becomes higher.

In addition to your pregnancy stage, there are a few more factors that you need to consider. It is advised to avoid climbing stairs when you are related with any or all of the below mentioned conditions:

  • Bleeding
  • Low/high blood pressure
  • Fluctuating blood sugar as it can cause you imbalanced and giddy
  • Any previous miscarriage
  • Cramps in legs
  • Carrying multiples
  • A lower placenta
  • Have been advised bed rest

In all the other cases, it is safe to climb the stairs.

Also read: Air Travel During Pregnancy; Is it safe?


As opposed to the general notion to avoid taking stairs, doctors recommend to take climb for a healthy and safe pregnancy. However, it is very important to not over-exert yourself physically, and follow safe practices while climbing stairs.
However, when you are in your final trimester, you should avoid stairs as the chances of injuring yourself is greater. Also, at this stage it is advised to take the best care of yourself. Always keep your doctor in loop, when you plan to introduce any new physical activity into your routine.

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