Sciatica is pain along the path of the sciatic nerve in the leg. Its causes are multiple , but the most common form is lumbosciatica, where sciatica is associated with lower back pain.

The characteristic clinical signs are most often sufficient to make the diagnosis and implement appropriate treatment . However, surgery is sometimes necessary.

The sciatic nerve is  the largest nerve in the body. It is covered by the gluteus maximus muscle and descends vertically towards the thigh. The sciatic nerve descends vertically into the posterior compartment of the thigh where it gives off collateral branches .

In the popliteal fossa (at the knee), it divides into two terminal branches:

  • The tibial nerve  which innervates the posterior muscle group of the leg and the sole of the foot
  • The common peroneal nerve that innervates the anterior and lateral muscle groups of the leg and the dorsum of the foot.


  1. Take a bucket and pour ten liters of hot water into it. Make sure the water is warm enough to touch.
  2. Add a quart of apple cider vinegar and a handful of salt to the bucket.
  3. Stir to make sure the salt is completely dissolved.
  4. Put your feet in the bucket and keep them in the water until the water begins to cool.
  5. When you have finished the treatment, remove your feet and dry them.
  6. Go to bed, but make sure your feet stay warm all night.

For this purpose, you can use an extra sheet or blanket and ensure that your feet stay warm . Also, when you wake up in the morning, don’t get up and walk around barefoot on the floor, but wear socks and maybe even slippers instead.

This method is supposed to give you relief even after the first treatment. Do this every day, if necessary, until the pain disappears completely.

By ruby

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