Hair, tampons, wipes: all these things end up clogging the toilet. How to remove the cork without chemicals? Check out these effective tips.

Toilets are not made to swallow anything and everything. In reality, contrary to what one might believe, apart from natural waste and paper, absolutely nothing should be thrown away. If we tend to believe that when we throw our tampons or cotton swabs into the toilet bowl they disappear, in reality they accumulate and end up blocking the pipes. To unclog your toilet without having to call a plumber or pour out a can of caustic soda: here are 3 effective and natural solutions.

⋙ 10 things that should never be thrown down the toilet

The Hot Water Method
When you have a small blockage in the pipes, the hot water method works quite well. To make it, pour a large quantity of hot water into the bowl. Be careful, it must not be boiling. Pour it quickly to release the clog using pressure. Repeat the operation as many times as necessary. Choose a bucket of water with a handle or a pot with handles on each side to simplify the task and limit splashing in the room and on yourself.

The Baking Soda Method
Baking soda is a must-have at home. In addition to its cleaning properties which no longer need to be proven, it is also an ally of choice in the fight against traffic jams. To use it, heat water, without boiling, and add half a cup of baking soda. For even more effective results, add half a cup of white vinegar to the mixture. Pour everything into the clogged toilet and lower the lid. The whole thing should create completely harmless foam for a few minutes. Come check in from time to time. Once the water level has dropped, flush and wash your toilet to remove all traces of baking soda from the walls.

The lemon juice method
Powerful degreaser and formidable antibacterial, lemon is perfect for this exercise. Likewise, citric acid, which contains the power of almost 10 lemons, also does the job very well. It is particularly useful if tartar is the cause of your clogged toilet. Pour a mixture of citric acid (or lemon) and baking soda into the bowl and let the magic happen. If all goes well, you should see the standing water become covered in bubbles. Exactly as with the method above, let the products act and the water level drop before flushing.
Bonus: take care of your pipes

To avoid having to unclog your toilet, remember to maintain it regularly. To do this, throw away everything that you usually dispose of in your toilet with household waste. Then, about once a month, pour coffee grounds down your drains. It will clean your pipes, prevent them from blocking and deposits from generating foul odors. To avoid blocking the toilet, also be careful not to throw too many sheets of toilet paper in there. Discover this mistake that we all make when choosing it.

If your hair is stuck in the pipes, it’s better to know the right tips to get rid of it before it gets clogged!

By ruby

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