In addition to constantly disturbing us at home, mosquitoes are bloodsuckers that bite us and leave nasty pink spots on our skin. Some of them can even transmit viruses. There’s no question about letting her stay with us! Although they are more common in hot weather, some still visit us in the winter.
Tired of the stings and annoying buzzing that keeps you awake? It’s time to drive out these undesirables. If you don’t like chemical insect repellents, some natural methods prove to be very effective in keeping mosquitoes away from your home. Be sure to test it!
Why do mosquitoes come to your home?
Mosquito in the house
Mosquitoes usually breed in bodies of water and in an unsanitary environment. However, these insects are best known for being particularly attracted to human blood and body odors. Since they sometimes invade the house, you need to know how to get rid of them once and for all. If you want to protect the environment and not use toxic substances, you can easily keep them out of your sight thanks to some very easily accessible natural ingredients. You should know that mosquitoes have a very keen sense of smell and that certain smells literally scare them away.
Here are the most suitable remedies to ward them off:
  • geranium
Geraniums are a very popular beautiful plant that beautifies terraces and balconies. But it also has the particularity of repelling insects, especially mosquitoes that cannot stand the smell. Why not add a touch of floral decoration to your interior? Bet on an enchanting geranium composition: place them in a well-lit and sunny place to intensify their scent and keep all those pests away.
  • Lemon and cinnamon
Lemon and cinnamon
This is a very strong and effective duo that will quickly drive mosquitoes out of your home. All you need is a lemon and some cinnamon. Halve the citrus fruits, sprinkle the slices with a little cinnamon and place them on the oven rack. Do not close the oven door and bake for 5 minutes. Then turn off the device. Leave the door open and go to bed. The next morning you will notice that there are no more insects in the house, neither mosquitoes nor flies. As a bonus, a lemony and refreshing scent will fill your interior.
  • coffee grounds
Are you a coffee lover? Do not throw away the sediment, it also serves to repel mosquitoes. This method is very effective, especially if you have a patio. Place   the coffee grounds   on aluminum foil and place them in a flower pot. Once dry, light it with a match. The smoke will give off a very unpleasant smell for the insects: they can’t tolerate it and won’t come around.
  • Aromatic herbs
Many herbs have the power to drive away these annoying little beasts. In question, their scent is so delicate to us, but so repellent to mosquitoes. Peppermint, lemongrass, verbena, thyme or basil are ideal for driving away these undesirables. In pots, on the windowsill or on the balcony, this trick is perfect for stopping insect infestation. Also rely on the intense essential oils that you can spray in specific places in the house.
  • lemon and vinegar
Mosquitoes don’t like the smell of lemon, let alone   vinegar  . Their intense smell is an infallible insect repellent, so imagine the combination of the two ingredients. Guaranteed to get rid of them in no time! Cut a few lemon slices, moisten them with vinegar and place them in vases or on the windowsill. Alternatively, you can make a mixture of these two ingredients and spray it on plants and window frames. You will be amazed by the results!
  • eucalyptus
After all, even the scent of eucalyptus leaves immediately drives away mosquitoes and other annoying  insects. Simply burn a few herbs and let the smoke spread throughout the house. You will definitely get rid of it! You can also prepare a decoction of eucalyptus leaves: the scent of steam will effectively protect your home from insects.

By ruby

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