Everything from the old comforter can be used, including the stuffing that at first glance seems useless and unusable. If the duvet gets a hole and starts to come out, the stuffing is finished, because at that point you’re just left picking up little pieces all over the house, especially if you have pets.

In fact, rather than waiting for the duvet to lose bits of filling or the jacket to become punctured and unusable, it can be recycled and then reused against waste. Very little is needed to get good results.

Obviously, if the duvet is still in good condition, it goes without saying that the possibility of donating it to associations, dog shelters, etc. is an option. is considered.

How to reuse padding to create original clothes
The padding of the jacket can instead be used to create another completely new jacket, which no one certainly has, fashionable, original, alternative and imaginative. Here’s how to make this original garment in just a few minutes, without too many problems, the steps are very few and can also be put into practice by those who do not know the needle and thread and are therefore not particularly practical.< /span>

An old jacket can become even more beautiful than before if you modify it using the most important and reusable parts of another old jacket that you want to throw away. The collar is cut and then the old denim jacket is removed from which the part of the buttons is removed, which is attached to the jacket to be modified. The collar of the denim jacket becomes the new collar of the down jacket. The buttons replace the zip.

This way the down jacket will have jeans details that no one has ever seen and that no one has in the closet. An absolutely enviable piece of clothing, all without even spending a cent. The denim jacket cut at the sleeves and the parts used to make the new down jacket can, however, become a beautiful vest.

Duvet stuffing, here’s what you can do useful for the home
With the filling of the duvet or any other furniture, we can also obtain fabrics to use to cover old furniture in the attic, sofas, plants that need warmth and cover in case of frost so as not to get damaged . Or a pretty bag, which can even be a fun and original gift idea.

And why not use the padding to create soft rugs to lie on for a fun picnic or a tablecloth to eat on while relaxing on a day outdoors in the sun. Those who have a lot of free time and are also practical can make a headboard. To do this you only need a small part of the duvet filling, you do some topstitching, cover them with a fabric or fabric provided it matches the room and hang it it and that’s it. The bed looks much more beautiful and stylish even then without even spending a penny.

What to do for your four-legged friends
Who has a small dog can make a sleeping bag using an old duvet, to ensure that the friend can protect himself from the cold and drafts throughout the winter. After all, there’s nothing warmer than a duvet. The result will be great and super effective.

We continue with the pet bed which is made with part of the duvet itself while with the other you can make a draft excluder, or a small seat for children, a play mat which, being well padded, does not expose the little ones to the risk of injury. In short, there are many ideas, you just have to sit down and dedicate time to these activities and that’s it. The results are more than satisfactory.


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