Are you tired of buying products to keep insects away? Here are 7 natural and effective methods you can try using what you have at home!

We are on the verge of summer and, with the heat and beautiful days, the insects return like every year! Between mosquitoes, flies and ants, our house could be invaded. This year don’t immediately rush to buy chemicals, but try these simple all-natural remedies that will guarantee you enjoy the summer days without being tormented by insects and without worrying about your health!

garlic juice

Among insects, mosquitoes are undoubtedly the most annoying, especially during this period. Garlic juice is an excellent repellent.

  1. To obtain it, separate and peel a head of garlic.
  2. With the help of a garlic crusher, crush the cloves.
  3. Then press the crushers with a spatula or spoon into a colander.
  4. Add water to the income – the ratio should be about 1 to 5.
  5. Filter the mixture further and place it in a spray bottle through a funnel.
  6. The liquid you received is ready to be sprayed directly on the body and will have an action of 5-6 hours.
  7. Alternatively, you can spray it on fabric flaps that you can leave near doors and windows.


If you don’t like strong smells, don’t worry. Here are some useful plants not only against mosquitoes, but also against ants and cockroaches. You can easily find bay leaf, basil, rosemary and mint. Fill the organza bags with the combination you prefer and place them in the main points of the house, such as next to the bed.

plants in the garden

Other useful plants include lavender, lemongrass, calendula and catnip – keep them indoors or in the garden.

Detergent and oil mirror

If you’re looking for an odor-free remedy, try combining water, detergent, and seed oil in a bowl. Leave the mixture out: insects will be attracted to its reflected light.

Coffee spray

Coffee is another natural mosquito deterrent. Try making a mixture of coffee powder and water, put it in a spray container, and spray it on your window frames.

Onion and cloves

It looks like an artistic composition but it is very useful against insects. It’s a simple onion with cloves inserted. For a better result, place the onion on the windowsills.

Lemon and vinegar mixture

The combination of vinegar and lemon is also particularly effective against mosquitoes. Cut some lemon slices, sprinkle with vinegar and place them in the main points of the house.

By ruby

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