Many of us will certainly remember having seen yellow soap in our grandmothers’ homes, or we will certainly have noticed this beautiful stick yellow at the supermarket, which says “potassium soap”.

Few of us, however, have ever used it. Probably because the wonderful uses of him are almost unknown. yellow soap has been unfairly forgotten, to make room for more modern detergents which perhaps require less effort.

In this article we suggest some wonderful uses of yellow soap, and we describe how this magnificent product of our grandmothers can be used still today with excellent results.

What is yellow soap?

Soft potassium soap, or yellow soap, is a product made up of few ingredients, which dissolves quickly and has an enormous degreasing power thanks to potassium salts . Yellow soap is also eco-friendly.

Doing laundry with yellow soap

Our grandmothers rubbed the yellow stick directly on the stains, and then washed the garment normally.

With yellow soap, however, you can prepare an excellent liquid detergent. Bring 400 ml of water to the boil, then immerse two blocks of yellow soap in it and mix well until it dissolves completely. Put everything in a bottle, perhaps adding a few drops of essential oil to taste.

Using liquid yellow soap detergent is very simple: put it in the washing machine drawer together with a little bicarbonate of soda.

Use yellow soap to make a spray degreaser

With the wonderful yellow soap you can prepare a spray degreaser useful for cleaning all types of surfaces.

The process is identical to that of liquid laundry detergent. However, this time we use half a liter of water and a single stick of yellow soap.

Once the solution has cooled, pour it into a bottle equipped with a spray diffuser. You can add a few drops of tea tree oil or lemon juice to give the degreaser a disinfectant power as well.

Eliminate parasites from plants

Another excellent use of grandma’s yellow soap is in the care of our plants.

It may happen that the plants on our balcony are attacked by scale insects or red spiders. To eliminate them, dissolve 20 grams of yellow soap in 500 ml of water.

Let the mixture cool, then spray it on the leaves to eliminate the pests forever.

Now that you know how to use grandma’s yellow soap, we are sure that you will never leave it on the supermarket shelf again.

Important: This website does not give medical advice, nor does it suggest the use of techniques as a form of treatment for physical problems, for which the advice of a doctor is required. If you decide to apply the information contained in this site, it does not assume responsibility. The intention of the site is to be illustrative, not exhortative or didactic.

By ruby

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