A clove of garlic can be useful not only in the kitchen to prepare extraordinary dishes, but also in the toilet.

Apparently, a clove of garlic has so many benefits, perhaps that is why housewives love it and cannot live without it. There are those who keep it under their pillow, those who rub it against the curtains, those who use it to repel insects, and then there are those who flush it down the toilet.

This certainly seems strange, because the toilet is actually an unusual place to pour garlic. But apparently, it manages to eliminate all bacteria in a few minutes, working effectively, much better than any cleaning product suitable for cleaning the bathroom.

Clean the bathroom by eliminating germs and bacteria and thoroughly disinfecting the toilet.

Flushing the toilet is not difficult, a sponge and the right products are enough. Nevertheless, we can say with certainty that the bathroom is clean in this way, but not disinfected, because often germs and bacteria remain, they do not completely disappear. You must be careful, however, because toilets that are not thoroughly disinfected can expose you to many infections, sometimes even dangerous.

The best way to devote yourself to deep cleaning the toilet is to use a certain solution prepared at home with vinegar and baking soda. If you add a clove of garlic to these two ingredients, the result will be one of the best.

Why use garlic for flushing toilets?

Garlic is an anti-inflammatory and an antiseptic, it contains allicin which permanently protects against bacteria and parasites. When it is poured down the toilet, it changes the environment and makes it unsuitable for bacteria. For this reason, fungi can no longer grow. This is why many housewives throw it down the toilet, it helps to get rid of bacteria permanently for a few days

Simply peel a clove of garlic and throw it in the toilet water in the evening before going to bed. We choose to do it in the evening, because nighttime is the only time of day when it is used less, if at all. The garlic therefore has much more time to act. As soon as you get up the next day, you just flush the toilet and that’s it. Germs and bacteria will no longer exist.

Pour Garlic Down the Toilet to Remove Germs and Yellow Stains

This remedy can give excellent results on the first try, but it is necessary to use it at least twice a week to ensure that the toilet is spotless. Due to its antifungal and microbial action, garlic effectively keeps any sanitation facility disinfected and can be used in multiple ways. For example, if you make garlic tea and pour it into the bathroom faucet, the yellow stains can be removed.

To make garlic tea, boil two and a half cups of water with three cloves of garlic in it. Then pour the solution into the cup and into the yellowed bathroom faucets as soon as it is cold. Stains virtually disappear on their own, effortlessly and without wasting time.

  • The thousand benefits of garlic

Garlic has always been a panacea for humans and is therefore considered a natural antibiotic, the ideal remedy for seasonal ailments. It manages to counter colds and flus, so much so that the sailors and soldiers of ancient Rome used it regularly, both to enjoy good health and to increase their physical resistance.

Its properties are multiple, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, digestive, anti-cancer, antioxidant. It is good for the heart, lowers blood pressure and fights against bad cholesterol. Once you have discovered its many virtues, it is really difficult, if not impossible, to part with it.

By ruby

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