Tired of seeing the state of your bathroom deteriorate due to humidity? Are the tile joints on your floor all black? There is an incredible solution to restore the shine to the tiles in this essential part of the house!


Laundry soap or baking soda, grandma’s recipes to defeat mold are numerous, but some require more time and effort than others. Therefore, we have selected for you an effective trick to prevent and eliminate these small fungi that take advantage of excess water and heat to grow and rot your precious bathroom.

What are the health effects of mold?

Molds are microscopic fungi that thrive in warm, moist environments, such as a bathroom. Residents of a house with mold and damp are susceptible to a variety of symptoms such as:

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    • sneezing;
    • irritation of the eyes, nose and throat;
    • labored breathing;
    • Inflammation of the airways;
    • Cough and accumulation of mucus;
  • Other allergic reactions.

Mold stains on tiles

Mold in the bathroom: person at risk

Some people are more prone to the health effects of mold than others. In fact, children, the elderly, asthmatics and allergy sufferers are more sensitive.

Mold in the air can cause serious lung infections when the immune system is weak.

So if you think your health problems are directly or indirectly related to damp and mold in your home, talk to your doctor as soon as possible. Get rid of mold and take steps to prevent it from coming back.

How to remove black stains from bathroom tile grout?

See that black texture forming on your bathroom tile grout? Yes, yes, the one that makes you shudder with disgust when you think about it! This disgusting thing is due to the accumulation of microscopic fungi. In other words, mold that must be eliminated as soon as possible, because it causes allergies and respiratory problems!

As ? Know that an ordinary candle does the trick!

A candle

Wax protects against excessive moisture and mold! So clean your joints, ideally with baking soda. That’s why :

    1. Form a paste by mixing 2 tablespoons of this powder with a little water;
    1. Scrub the mold-affected areas.
    2. Once dry, rub the surfaces with a simple white candle;
    3. This will be enough to keep them shiny and clean for at least a month.

Wax is also useful for preventing limescale buildup on taps. In fact, the latter serves as a protective layer against humidity. So don’t hesitate to rub your faucets with a candle to protect it and restore it to its former glory.

How to remove mold from bathroom ceiling?

Mold on the bathroom ceiling

Eh yes! The more time you spend in the shower humming or making up winning arguments for past debates, the more humid your bathroom becomes and the more mold stands up and thrives in your more favorable environment. And the roof, under the effect of water condensation, is the part most affected by this phenomenon!

Solution number 1: Clean mold from the ceiling with baking soda

Whether the mold stains on your ceiling are black, brown, gray, or brown, baking soda is perfect for cleaning them. Simply spray a mixture of white vinegar and baking soda on the moldy area, let it sit for a day, and then scrub vigorously with a brush. For plaster ceilings, however, it will be better to sprinkle baking soda on a damp cloth. And hocus pocus! That’s all !

Sodium bicarbonate

Solution number 2: bleach, the anti-mold par excellence!

Mix bleach and water, spray directly on stains, scrub with a brush or cloth, and leave room for a perfectly clean ceiling! Unfortunately, this drastic technique is only possible on a ceiling with washable paint and it is advisable to carry out a test on a small surface beforehand to ensure that nothing is damaged.

Solution Number 3: Addressing the Causes of Mold in the Bathroom

Ceiling mold is not always caused by condensation related to the use of a water source. Ceiling leaks and hidden water leaks can also be responsible for mold growth on your bathroom ceiling. In these cases, professional intervention is necessary! The latter will solve the problem and at the same time eliminate the mold.

How to remove mold in the shower?

In addition to the ceiling, mold stains can affect other parts and accessories in your bathroom, such as the shower, for example. To deal with it:

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    1. Mix 2 tablespoons baking soda and a little hot water until it forms a paste;
    2. Apply it to the affected areas and leave it on for several hours;
    3. Then spray white vinegar on the stains;
  1. Scrub and then rinse thoroughly with water.
  2. Wipe everything with a clean towel and admire the result!

How to prevent mold from returning?

bathroom fan

Once you’ve cleaned everything well and your bathroom looks like new, it would be great to keep it that way! To prevent mold from returning, take the following preventive measures:

    • Check that the fan discharges to the outside;
    • Keep the fan running when you shower, but also for a few minutes afterwards;
    • Shorten the duration of your showers;
    • Regularly clean and dry wet surfaces, such as bathtub walls or shower stall windows;
    • Opt for a floor without carpet;
    • Go look for water leaks and repair them if there are any;
    • Keep drain pipes in good condition and unclog them if necessary;
    • Open the windows and activate the humidity extractor if you have one.

In short, humidity is the ally of mold that easily develops by submerging our walls and ceilings. Difficult to eliminate, it makes our bathroom ugly, but not only, it also threatens our health! Greenish spots here, brownish spots there, you don’t want all of that! And the last thing we want are headaches and breathing problems! So let’s arm ourselves with the tips mentioned above and fight the mold that tries to invade our bathrooms!

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