When we throw away bananas we should never throw away a part of it as it could be worth a lot for our house. Here’s which one.

Every season has its fruits and many times we only wait for one of these to come along so we can savour our favourites and savour the taste of our favourite fruit par excellence.

But there are some fruits that can be found in the market all year round and are among the most popular and common, even if some of them have origins in totally different places from where we live.

Bananas: why you should never throw them all away
Some of these fruits that we Italians love are bananas, which are very useful for our health as a source of potassium and can often be used in any kind of recipe.

Native to tropical areas, it has been undermining the tables of our peninsula for many years and is almost never missing in homes to the point of having been painted also in some paintings depicting still lifes.

Often, due to its shape, it is associated with the male member and its name is used as a sexual allusion also following the song La Banana, which was very popular in the 2000s.

In the market we usually find yellow or green bananas depending on their ripeness, although it is always better, as experts advise, to consume those with a medium ripeness.

However, there are several types of bananas, including light blue bananas which, due to their ripeness, usually have a vanilla flavour but are almost impossible to find in Italy.

On the other hand, it has recently become possible to find red bananas in Italy that are much sweeter than normal bananas, although they cost about three times as much as normal bananas.

The secret that few know
The banana has also become very popular with children thanks to the popularity of the Minions, the minions from Despicable Me, who have a sweet tooth for this fruit.

But not everyone knows that although we only eat the inside of the fruit and throw away the peel, we are actually wasting something really precious that we should all be using at home.

In fact, videos are spreading around the web explaining that once you have peeled the banana, you should keep the stiff part of the end that holds all the fruit and let it dry.

However, before placing it in the sun, it is advisable to cut the stem and open it so that all the fibres can be seen, which are then pulled out and placed in a container exposed to the sun for a few hours.

What we will have is a set of banana fibres that will be very useful for our plants, as when placed in the soil inside the pot they will act as an excellent fertiliser for our plants.

In this way, they will grow strong and vigorous not only acquiring water but also the intrinsic properties within the banana fibres that, in contact with water and soil, will give vigour to our plant.

By ruby

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