Shannen Doherty is opening up about how she is preparing for her death.

While Doherty has been clear, admitting she believes science will continue to prolong her life, the actress says she’s been giving away her earthly possessions.

As Doherty continued, she said she still believes in living life to the fullest but admits it’s her decade long battle with breast cancer that “has really made me take stock of my life and shift my priorities.” And her priority at this moment is her beloved mom.

“But because it’s going to be so hard on her, I want other things to be a lot easier, meaning that I don’t want her to have a bunch of stuff to deal with. I don’t want her to have four storage units filled with furniture.”
As a result of her priority shift, Doherty says she and “a really good friend Julie” have been going through her things. And while she knows it’s the right thing to do for her, Doherty admits that it’s been really emotional because it feels like she’s “giving up on a dream.”
“I was giving up on this dream of you know, building this property out and putting a house for me and a house for my mom, and then extending the barn and rescuing horses and having a sanctuary.”
But while this moment was emotional, Doherty admits she’s not “giving up on life” or “throwing in the towel,” she now has a “sense of peace and a sense of calm.” And that’s because you’re “helping the people that you leave behind just have a cleaner, easier transition.”

And in the end, Doherty realized that she didn’t need all of the things she was holding on to and that there are other ways of still making her dreams of helping animals a reality. “Maybe it’s more about ease for myself,” she concludes.
“I think it’s easy for myself. It’s again that peace of mind. It’s the looking at what you’ve accumulated over a lifetime,” Doherty explained adding that by ridding herself of some of this stuff also gives her the ability to shift her priorities again and start making new last memories elsewhere.