Here’s are the things you can do to keep the wasps away from your home.

An expert has revealed the what you can do to prevent attracting Asian Hornet wasps to your home amid a rise in sightings across the UK.

As the UK enjoys warmer weather, the Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) has warmed Brits to stay vigilant about the non-native species.

Officially named Vespa velutina, the Asian Hornet is smaller and less aggressive than their European counterpart – meaning they won’t interrupt your picnic.

Average size of Asian Hornet Wasp. (GUILLAUME SOUVANT/AFP via Getty Images)

Average size of Asian Hornet Wasp. (GUILLAUME SOUVANT/AFP via Getty Images)

Although the insect poses less of a risk to the general public, Asian Hornets can be dangerous towards our ecosystem.

The wasps are predatory towards honeybees and insect pollinators, capable of consuming up to 50 bees a day.

Thankfully, Asian Hornets sightings aren’t particularly common across the country. has revealed there has been eight confirmed sightings of the insect so far this year, primarily in the South-East of the UK.

There has been 109 sightings since 2016, a figure which includes 85 nests.

Thankfully an expert has now shared tips on how to avoid attracting them to your home across the summer months.

Speaking to the Daily Mail, pest controller Robert Moon revealed the wasps are attracted to sources of protein as well as fruits.

Family Trapped In Home As Huge Swarm Of Wasps Invade Garden
Credit: MEN Media

“If there is a dead sparrow, they will happily eat that,” Robert, who has spent the past decade researching the species, said.

“If you have fruit on the ground that’s a nice bit of sugar for them.”

Guidelines state that all rubbish and food residue should be safely stored in order to avoid attracting Asian Hornets.

Robert also revealed the specific places Asian Hornets will target in your home, with the insects favouring, dry and secure places away from humans.

“They will try to nest in attics, garden sheds because it’s an ideal place for them to build their nest because it’s a nice secure open space,” he said.

“It’s dry and protected from the elements and doesn’t have too much human walk-through.”

Nest of Asian Hornet Wasps (Flach JJ/Andia/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)

Nest of Asian Hornet Wasps (Flach JJ/Andia/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)

Should you spot an Asian Hornet in your home, DEFRA has advised you to report the insect using this online form as soon as possible.

Alternatively you can download the app ‘Asian Hornet Watch’ or email

Despite warnings to stay away from the insect it appears that not everyone is following the advice, with YouTuber Coyote Peterson letting an Asian Hornet bite him to discover what would happen.

The video, originally filmed in 2020, saw 42-year-old left in pain for ‘close to six hours’.

Featured Image Credit: GUILLAUME SOUVANT/AFP via Getty Images & Flach JJ/Andia/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

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What to do if you are stung by Asian Hornet as UK put on alert

What to do if you are stung by Asian Hornet as UK put on alert

There are a number of things that you should do if you’re stung, which could reduce any further problems or injuries

Instructions on how to deal with being stung by an Asian Hornet have been outlined.

Following the news that the UK have been put on Asian Hornet alert, it’s worth knowing what to do if you get stung.

What to do if you see one has been outlined by authorities, while some more daring (or dim) have purposely stung themselves to see what happens afterwards – spoiler, it’s not great.

Asian Hornets can potentially be very harmful, and there are ways to keep them away from your house, reducing the chances of you ever coming into contact with one.

But what should you do if you get stung by one?

If you do get stung by one, there is a way to reduce the effects. (Getty Stock Photo)

If you do get stung by one, there is a way to reduce the effects. (Getty Stock Photo)

The Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) has warned UK residents to stay vigilant about the non-native species, but there are a few things you may want to know, in case you do run into one on your travels.

What is an Asian Hornet?

It is a yellow-legged hornet, non-native to the UK, and though slightly smaller than our native hornets, they are known as the ‘Asian Predatory Wasp’.

Known also as the Vespa velutina, they can easily be identified with their very dark body, wide orange stripe across their fourth abdomen section and yellow leg ends.

They may become more commonly seen as the warmer months approach, but the good news is they pose no larger health risk compared to our local wasps and hornets, a single hornet can consume 50 honey bees in a single day, while a swarm can easily wipe out a hive of 30,000.

It poses a problem to honey bees themselves and insect pollinators – the Health Officer’s warning comes after 2023 saw the most Asian hornet sightings in history.

What to do if you see an Asian Hornet

DEFRA has advised people to download the app ‘Asian Hornet Watch’ to report the sightings, or to fill in this online report form.

If not, you can email with a photograph if it is safe to do so, as they further explain that identification guides and further information is available on the sightings page and on BeeBase.

DEFRA also state: “It is important to take care not to approach or disturb a nest.

“Asian hornets are not generally aggressive towards people but an exception to this is when they perceive a threat to their nest.”

Disturbing a nest could spell trouble for you and those near you. (Getty Stock Photo)

Disturbing a nest could spell trouble for you and those near you. (Getty Stock Photo)

What you should do if you’re stung by an Asian Hornet?

An Asian hornet sting hurts ‘a lot more’ than a regular hornet’s, according to health and wellness expert Jay Riggs, from Zeal CBD.

The toxicity is greater than most stinging insects, and can cause more swelling than a normal hornet, though Riggs describes the pain as: “Similar to being stabbed by a red-hot needle. Where the needle punctures the skin, it can swell severely and ache for a few days.”

If you do get stung, you should wash the area as soon as possible thoroughly with soap and cool water, later applying ice to slow the venom from spreading.

Unlike bees, hornets don’t leave a stinger so you won’t have to remove anything.

Riggs also explained: “If you have been stung multiple times or notice signs of an allergic reaction then it is important to seek medical attention.”

He advises taking an antihistamine, applying hydrocortisone cream or calamine lotion to reduce the pain.

When should you see a Doctor about the sting?

If you find yourself having trouble breathing, wheezing or shortness of breath after being stung, you may be having an allergic reaction, where Riggs recommends you find a doctor if your throat then starts to feel tight and you have trouble swallowing.

It is advised that if you have a known allergy to wasps, bees, hornets or yellow jacket stings, you should always carry a bee sting and know how to use it if necessary.

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Photos

Topics: HealthEnvironmentUK News

UK put on Asian hornet alert with Brits given strict instructions 'if you see one'

UK put on Asian hornet alert with Brits given strict instructions ‘if you see one’

Brits are being told to keep a look out for Asian hornets this summer

When outdoors this summer hoping to get a glimpse of some decent weather, make sure you keep a look out for Asian hornets.

Beekeepers, along with the general public, are being urged to be more vigilant and aware of the potential surge in Asian hornets, an invasive non-native species.

What is an Asian hornet?

Brits are being told to keep a look out for Asian hornets this summer. (Getty Stock Photo)

Brits are being told to keep a look out for Asian hornets this summer. (Getty Stock Photo)

The Vespa velutina, known as the Asian hornet, is usually a slightly smaller insect to our native hornet and can be identified by their very dark body, wide orange stripe on the fourth abdomen section and yellow leg ends.

They pose no greater health risk than our native wasps and hornets, but they do, however, pose a risk to honey bees and insect pollinators.

Asian hornets are capable of consuming 50 honey bees a day.

The Health Officer’s warning comes after 2023 saw a record number of Asian hornets found in the UK.

What happens if you get stung by an Asian hornet?

Jay Riggs from Zeal CBD, said last year: “If you’re stung from a regular hornet, their sting generally causes mild symptoms, but can be a lot more uncomfortable and more swollen than a bee’s sting.

“But getting stung by an Asian hornet will hurt a lot more, particularly as the toxicity is greater than most stinging insects.

“Its sting can be described as a feeling similar to being stabbed by a red-hot needle.

“Where the needle punctures the skin, it can swell severely and ache for a few days.”

What should you do if you see an Asian hornet?

Asian hornets pose no greater health risk than our native hornets. (

Asian hornets pose no greater health risk than our native hornets. (

The Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs and Animal and Plant Health Agency said: “If you suspect you have seen an Asian hornet you should report this using the iPhone and Android app ‘Asian Hornet Watch’ or by using our online report form.

“Alternatively, e-mail Please include a photograph if you can safely obtain one.

Identification guides and more information are available and if you keep bees you should keep up to date with the latest situation on the sightings page and on BeeBase.

“It is important to take care not to approach or disturb a nest.

“Asian hornets are not generally aggressive towards people but an exception to this is when they perceive a threat to their nest.”

What are the experts saying?

“By ensuring we are alerted to possible sightings as early as possible, the public can help us take swift and effective action to stamp out the threat posed by Asian hornets,” Defra’s Chief Plant and Bee Health Officer Professor Nicola Spence said.

“While the Asian hornet poses no greater risk to human health than other wasps or hornets, they can damage honey bee colonies and harm other pollinators.

“Please continue to be vigilant for any Asian hornets and if you think you’ve spotted one, report your sighting through the Asian hornet app or online.”

The National Bee Unit have also installed traps at locations across Kent, East Sussex, Devon and North Yorkshire.

Featured Image Credit: Flach JJ/Andia/Universal Images Group via Getty Images/Getty Stock Photo

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